Forum4 > New age myths

Victor Sanchez - Toltecs Of The New Millennium

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Yes there are quotes about hangovers,

--- Quote ---I awoke more dead than alive, still poisoned by the requisite "canyon water" we'd ritually received the night before.  Like everyone else in the village, I had a bad ceremonial hangover.
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---......passed unconscious onto the floor of pine needles beneath the low ceiling packed full of corozo palm flowers, whose smell alone could take you to other worlds
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---I had made my supplications, and not long after I must have succumbed and passed out.  Or, as the Mayans say, I became wounded in the soul's battle ...... when I awoke on a floor full of the wounded, I didn't care about anything except survival.  I wanted only to get the nausea out of my burning stomach, the pain out of my head, and the shivers out of my bones.
--- End quote ---

It is funny you should bring this up because that third quoted passage is the prelude to one of the more magical passages in the book, where he voyages by "a big old black Cadillac-type car" into another realm.

--- Quote ---I rolled and staggered to the doorway.  The delicious morning lake air fled in front of an onslaught of heavy perfume.  Not knowing who to expect, what I saw inspired me to fake a sober air.
--- End quote ---

Mr X:
very interesting quotes.

now i want to know what happens after the last quote.

hangovers are underrated, anyone can drink and be merry and enjoy it.

ceremonial hangover is an nice thought. ive never really thought about how that could be part of a tribal or spiritual group experience.

hangovers are an good clean cheap renewable source of pure temporary anxiety. pure because it happens for no reason. well the reason is the hangover but even if you drank in a isolated white room, do nothing to harm yourself or embarrass yourself, it will still happen. and it will pass.

if you know thats why the anxiety exists, it sorta breaks it, you just wait for it to pass. however, if you dont know - the brain automatically tries to reconcile or understand the anxiety or fear, resulting in - ta da - introspection at a deep level. hence sayings like 'i will never drink again' or 'im going to change'. it causes a person to go inside themselves, looking for a solution that doesnt exist. which is not really a bad thing.

i am enjoying this discussion so far, not annoying.

mr x.

Chilba's Bosss
Vasily Ivanovich Chapayev, a Red Army hero of the Russian Civil War, in the rank ofDivision Commander… officially, he was gunned down by the Whites while attempting to flee across the Ural River after a lost battle
Chapayev is usually accompanied by his aide-de-camp Petka (Петька, "Peter"), as well as Anka the Machine-Gunner

 Vasili Ivanovitch, go on swimming! Don't stop! Vasily Ivanovitch, strive! Vasili Ivanovitch, throw already this heavy chemedan kibinimat!

 my negotiation post, was exiled from the victor sanches threadto  Написал идиот -junk thread- oops! not at "τεχνική"?
no! it's in "discussing business board"!  which is a private area!
but wasn't it in "τεχνική" earlier today? i'm confused.
so I can't quote it?
(where was the panther post  posted originally?)

so, I'll post this in the Sanchez  thread, to make it visible.

Russia. 1917AD.
Wounded Red Army commander Chapaev tries to cross the Ural river, but he catches enemy'a bullet. Looks like this is the end… But all of a suddena tractor beam from the space delivers Vasiliy Ivanovich to the space ship. After the chain of inhuman experiments, about which Chapaev would better forget, aliens transform his body into a killer-machine - terminator. This is where the story begins.
the leopard pic  (there in "junk" ) remind me of "the black panther" – a red-army game (according to - I'm not too proud to confess – some Russian ex of mine, the one who educated me with the Vasily Ivanovitch Chepaev franchise )
"black panter" game  goes: each officer pour himself half a glass vodka,   half - black beer. a servant enters the room, stipulating: "tovarishei, the panter  arrived!" each officer drinks half of his glass and ducks under the table.
the servant returns: "tovarishi, the panter have left!" the officers crawl back to their sits and fill their glasses with black beer. and so on.
the winner is the last who  manage to rise from under the table.
there is also a  "white panther", where the fill-up is vodka.

--- Quote ---Telling jokes about the KGB was considered to be like pulling the tail of a tiger.
--- End quote ---

Now the Pretchel hang-over quotes:

--- Quote ---I rolled and staggered to the doorway.  The delicious morning lake air fled in front of an onslaught of heavy perfume.  Not knowing who to expect, what I saw inspired me to fake a sober air.
--- End quote ---
did he see his mother in low?  a starving forgotten ancient local god? a panther? a KGB (or more modernly FSB) agent?

--- Quote ---x: …ceremonial hangover is an nice thought. ive never really thought about how that could be part of a tribal or spiritual group experience.
--- End quote ---

Here is an example to that – I bumped into it (call it "synchro" if you will) trying to find a vasily Ivanovitch pic

--- Quote ---Stierlitz is a fictional Soviet intelligence officer, portrayed by Vyacheslav Tikhonov in the popular Soviet TV seriesSeventeen Moments of Spring.
Stierlitz wakes up in a prison cell. "Which identity should I use?" he wonders. "Let's see. If a person inblack uniform walks in, I must be in Germany so I'll say I'mStandartenführer Stierlitz. If they wear green uniform, I'm in USSR so I'll admit I'm Colonel Isayev". The door opens and a person in a grey uniform comes in saying, "You really should ease up on vodka, Comrade Tikhonov!"
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---hangovers are an good clean cheap renewable source of pure temporary anxiety. pure because it happens for no reason. well the reason is the hangover but even if you drank in a isolated white room, do nothing to harm yourself or embarrass yourself, it will still happen. and it will pass.
--- End quote ---
Which somehow remind me of a joke my dad was telling:
In a diplomatic party in Washington the Russian ambassador, excited with vodka, tells a comrad: "vasia, let's do something special! Let's express ourselves! Lets – let's shit on the piano!"
"leave it, my friend", answers Comrad J, "they wouldn't understand the  wholeheartedly Russian soul!"

--- Quote --- X: an good clean cheap renewable source of pure temporary anxiety.
--- End quote ---
Is there such a thing as "a good anxiety"?
Are you overtaking anxiety deliberately, Are you looking for a handy source of anxiety of some sort, Chilba?
--- Quote --- if you know thats why the anxiety exists, it sorta breaks it, you just wait for it to pass. however, if you dont know - the brain automatically tries to reconcile or understand the anxiety or fear, resulting in - ta da - introspection at a deep level. hence sayings like 'i will never drink again' or 'im going to change'. it causes a person to go inside themselves, looking for a solution that doesnt exist.**
--- End quote ---
"and is it good?" as my late little girl would have asked here.
And my Chilba answers:

--- Quote --- which is not really a bad thing.
--- End quote ---
Hmm. What's good in that loop?

--- Quote ---i am enjoying this discussion so far, not annoying.
--- End quote ---
nice, but why did you exile my negotiation post to the junk? And once again behind the veil?
Cak dila, Preciousss AfroditaCak?
are you trying to humiliate me? turn the whole thing into a farce?
Farce is good. I think I can write a good one.
 "Russian practical jokes" could entertain us much, much longer***…
So, Chilba –
Would you claim it's a misunderstanding Again? as when I registered to forum4, When you said you have thought my first post was some more Russian span, thus you deleted it along with the user?
 I reckoned that your opening the sanchez thread was your accepting my single prior condition – that we go to the open?
Or did   Preciousss just contemptuously rejected my proposal, not even bothering to answer?
Wait a minute… I DID quote that suggestion – it is absent now, on both boards!
So the yuku "forum4" is also not immune from stuff being deleted??
thus so far my thread (over there)  "negotiation II"
is incomprehensible to anyone outside! – for the offer to conduct negotiation is absent.
Well… to qote someone – incomprehensibility is so, so sexy!
-   Well… my term that you say as much as "yes" or "yes" was never met actually…
Oh, well, thus no negotiation.
And I thought Preciousss, you would feel at home…being so sweetly accustomed to negotiating in the cellar, near the garbage…
` `` ``` ````` ``` `` ` ` ` `

** doesn't exist? What about… not drinking?

*** "The guy over there saved my life yesterday, I am really grateful to him." / [???]" [a single shut]/ "The one that has fallen!"

 (this is a joke my mom was telling when inspired. yes, she had this tendency  for gross, shit and  fart jokes).Ivan, a soldier In the tzar army, could play the royal anthem from  behind;  thus in any celebration he was lifted  on a barrel, dropping his pants and trumpeting the anthem.
Years passed, times changed, now Ivan is a soldier in the red Army.
on a great triumph celebration his friends insisted: "Ivan – now that you are a red soldier – you should play the internazional!"
"well… I can try", Ivan said.
The barrel was positioned, Ivan climed it, droped his pants, and began trumpeting:
"Get up, branded with a curse,
The whole of hungry people and of slaves…"

until "We will destroy all the world with violence Completely" he got alright, but when he got to the new world, he went to shit!

  The Internationale
 Get up, branded with a curse,
The whole of hungry people and of slaves.
Our indignant mind is boiling (with anger)
And ready to lead us in a mortal fight.
We will destroy all the world of violence
Completely, and then
We (will built) our (world), we will built the new world -
Who was nothing will become everything.
This is our last
And all-out fight.
By the international
The human generation will revive!
Nobody can make us free:
Neither God, nor tzar and nor a hero.
We'll get the liberation
By our own hands.
If you want to overthrow the oppression by your skillful hand,
To win back your property -
You should fire up the furnace and hammer boldly,
while the iron is still hot!
Only we, the workers of international
Of great army of labour
Have the right to own the ground
But spongers - they will get it never!
And if the great thunder rolls
Over the the pack of dogs and executioners
For us the sun will shine like it used to
With the light of its rays
edited twice by History and twice by me


Mr x, "sayings like 'i will never drink again' or 'im going to change'. it causes a person to go inside themselves, looking for a solution that doesnt exist."

Tv z, "What about… not drinking?"

A good moment to bring in the other side of the story,

Gaspar Culan didn't believe the sun was a god.  At the age of twenty two, he had a plan.


it's a post i have written for this thread, but couldn't post for some time (and no wise-ass editor to blame!) - eventually, folowwing a hint, i opened new thread.

 seems now i can copy it here, delet it there.

any problem with anybody if i do that?
no answer i'll take for yes.
you (whoever) can answer somewhere else though.


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