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My adventurous day:

as for gmail - still loading. since the morning.
afternoon though it gave me the option of HTML.
aspenito, do i need a new mail?

which one you recommend?

ok. oh well. better the devil you know.

Hello.  Does your latest note mean that the problems have now subsided to a level of OK normality?

I hope so!  By the way, when you say

--- Quote ---as for gmail - still loading. since the morning.
afternoon though it gave me the option of HTML.
--- End quote ---

maybe you are referring to the following, which sometimes appears when gmail has detected that the standard view is taking an unusually long time to load:

--- Quote ---Loading standard view | Load basic HTML (for slow connections)
--- End quote ---

In that case it is fine to click on 'Load basic HTML', and you will get a version of gmail which works better on slow connections.

However, taking all morning to get that far suggests that your computer was seriously overloaded, and it would be worth asking a friend to help clear it out.  Maybe you've already done that.


my computer change regularely from normal to very slow, due to my using sometimes net-stick, which slows once i finish my monthly 9 Giga-bite or the like.

thus sometimes i am stuck and move to HTNL display.

unless the buttom does not sow.
my experience: if i close and re-open gmail, 1-2-3 times,eventually the button will show. how soon?
 on it's whim.
 this time it took it a whole day.


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