Forum4 > Swimming for my Dad


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Mr X:
as general media stuff,

i have been enjoying breakfast of champions so far. g, after that what is the next few kurt v books i should listen to. choose well as i will listen to your recommendations.

i noticed in the next few days netflix will release and series based around telepathy. sense8. it should be on ice within and day or two of release.


more "guessing":
i was wandering at times recently - central sun of the galaxy or central black hole?
most scientific text that i bumpt into say the letter, most "mystical" text - +someone's (whom i take seriously) dream - the former.
today, bumping into this (
tupe, i thought - and the universe? sun or black hole?
and got the answer - (like, came to the conclusion) "both. sun on one side ["matter]is black hole on the other ["anti-matter"]."
next thing it was shown in the pictures of the tupe.
naturally. not?

Mr X:
lets consider this youtube over flow,
i have been wanting to use this thread more so here we go,

recently in the supernatural thread i had to pick from some tubes, i went with vinnie paz as it was the least bloody option.

here is some videos that i rejected due to various reasons.

i have recently had an thing for fan made videos, i like the way people creatively condense things into an video. youtube led me to this video.

this post is just overflow, it means nothing and dont read anything into it.


Mr X:

looked this video up on sunday after something j said in moonlight. got a laugh in general and because on sunday i couldnt move my right arm properly, had an heat pack on it.

i woke up fine on sunday, decided to sleep in. injured my back by sleeping in. does that mean i am aging. dam it.


Mr X:


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