Author Topic: general supernatural exploration - part 1  (Read 193998 times)

Mr X

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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #30 on: 30 April 2015 12:40:25 PM »
hello mr g,
from the wiki page city of the stars sounds like and interested story.

there was something funny in this thread. one lazy weekend afternoon, after mowing the lawn and raking the bark, chirping the birds and meowing the neighbourhood cats, i looked at forum4 and read and post by z. "ohwww", "that was close" i thought. i raised my hand from my mouse and pointed at the screen and grunted something like "hrumph", my woman friend sighed, put her laptop down on the sofa and came over to look. she said "oh, that was close" .

nice little story, but it is about something that didnt happen. z almost pinged me, but missed. if she had of been more accurate, i dont think i would of considered it an sync, but something else, i am not sure what. i am happy she missed, even though it would of blown my mind if she landed on the mark.

regards to telepathy,

with (c), what if there was and god, and it died so long ago we cant even imagine. we are so deep in the sim verse that even connection to the mainframe means nothing but the chance of being aware of the tether. and hacking, whatever that is (it sounds exciting).

with (b), archetypes are good and descriptive, but i get the impression that mixing sympathetic vibes with archetypes is over simplifiying. say with music, if the orchestra was trying to give and impression of the alien, it wouldnt just be one easily identifiable note. it would be and combination of lots of things, lots of timed complex on and off switches. they could play and standard spooky tune and invoke the boogey man, in and archetypal easily recognized way, or do something more abstract.

with two people, trying to telepath, say they are 2 switches. on off, off on, on on, off off. four positions, and one state. and some spooky distance action.

and simple state might be the sender of telepathy saying they are scared, the reciever understanding the archetype of scared. both in the on position. with something like telepathy that is beyond the meat program so therefore in the ether, why would it be so simple. why wouldnt the the signal sent be hundreds or thousands of states, simple switches that paint and complete image in code. i dont know, interesting to think about.


i have been listening to flowers for algernon. in text this quote doesnt have the impact it had in the voice of the narrator, but i liked this quote.

June 24 - Today I went on a strange kind of antiintellectual binge. If I had
dared to, I would have gotten drunk, but after the experience with Fay, I
knew it would be dangerous. So, instead, I went to Times Square, from movie
house to movie house, immersing myself in westerns and horror movies-the way
I used to. Each time, sitting through the picture, I would find myself
whipped with guilt. I'd walk out in the middle of the picture and wander into
another one. I told myself I was looking for something in the make-believe
screen world that was missing from my new life.

Then, in a sudden intuition, right outside the Keno Amusement Center, I knew
it wasn't the movies I wanted, but the audiences. I wanted to be with the
people around me in the darkness.

The walls between people are thin here, and if I listen
quietly, I hear what is going on. Greenwich Village is like
that too. Not just being close-because I don't feel it in a
crowded elevator or on the subway during the rush but
on a hot night when everyone is out walking, or sitting in
the theater, there is a rustling, and for a moment I brush
against someone and sense the connection between the
branch and trunk and the deep root. At such moments
my flesh is thin and tight, and the unbearable hunger to
be part of it drives me out to search in the dark corners
and blind alleys of the night.

i have generated numbers from and random number generator online. four times. i have noted these numbers. anyone is welcome to guess them. between 1 and 50.

ppss. this discussion

edit pppsss
to mention for novelty, i closed the tab that i took the algernon quote from, and i re googled it as i wanted to look at the text more. second hit on google was what is the quote at the top of forum2, but
« Last Edit: 30 April 2015 01:20:47 PM by Mr X »


  • translator
  • Posts: 402
Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #31 on: 30 April 2015 06:23:02 PM »
x man - which of z's stories? and why you say it didn't happen?
(wanted to open new thread, but - end of buttery.)
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~

Mr X

  • unpinged
  • Posts: 311
Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #32 on: 02 May 2015 08:26:02 PM »
hello z,

it is not and big deal. it happened, but it is and story about something that almost happened, was close, but didnt happen. and story about an arrow that missed the mark. i am not going to tell your which z post as i am happy you missed.
i knew at the time you didnt know you even missed. i had been wanting to mention that story, when g raised the topic of telepathy and mind things it seemed like the right time to mention it.

only for and few actual seconds did i get the heebie jeebies at the thought of being pinged, 2 or 3 seconds. it raised to mine mind to realise that, for no good reason i assume the things i dont belief in have no effect on my life. i assume people cannot ping people, in the meat program that is not possible, so even to consider it for and real moment is and pretty strong disruption, and seemed worth mentioning.


back to telepathy, with (c) i say there is no need to bring god into it unless we were out of explanations, for (b) archetypes are to simple,
with (a)
regardless of the way the signal is sent or recieved, it has to come down to 2 things. the complex activity in one brain being replicated in the complex activity of the receiving brain. and simple thought may be very simple, and i am no brain expert, but the inner activtiy of the brain to produce that thought is not simple.
does telepathy only work if both sender and reciever speak english.
what if either has bad grammer. does it work then.
is language and barrier.
if we are talking about two or more brains replicating the activity of each other through some unknown way, why would there be and sender and receiver. it seems like it would more be and mushed up coalescence that would be hard to make sense of from and outside perspective.


z, be careful what positions your load into your brain, lest you see nightmares.


  • translator
  • Posts: 402
Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #33 on: 03 May 2015 05:18:52 PM »

grr brrr be happy or sad, why riddles? if you tell me which story, will it change my missing into hitting the mark? are you happy "i missed" for sheer nastiness, or you you have and reasonable reason?

with the little time i have on-line, i give up.

an outlet is available - but i have to go. so many things, including my new thread, (wanted to consult you gents about riot games insisting i am registered there, and this time there is no back address to send them to hell, and the announcement says "if you think this iis mistake... consult your help board" or something to that (?) effect.)
wish me pleasant walk back.
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~

Mr X

  • unpinged
  • Posts: 311
Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #34 on: 04 May 2015 07:17:04 PM »
hello z,

not riddles. if it was anyone else from the six of us here the story would be the same. happy it missed. if anything take it as an compliment that you unknowingly momentarily spooked me. as you were not aware it happened and cant figure it out without hints then we can just mark it as an minor random sync and that is all.

if i said the sum of the 4 random numbers, and which number repeated, guessing the numbers and getting it right would have less value.

no sheer nastiness for you. we see things very differently. that doesnt mean we have to be in conflict.

i hope good things happen to you, and i hope you figure out an way to have unlimited outlets and internet and i hope you are safe and happy.


ps. unpung ? unpinged ?

Mr G

  • Posts: 156
Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #35 on: 05 May 2015 05:52:23 PM »
does telepathy only work if both sender and reciever speak english.

Interesting thought. For instance in "What women want" Mel Gibson can "hear" the words they think. Also in the TV show "The Listener". It's language. So maybe the brain does have a bunch of cells that only recognize "u" sounds and some that only do "a" etc., and they are standardized and therefore when you think in language you are actually activating the sound recognition bits in the brain. So presumably, if such cells can be remotely stimulated, but whatever means, it would mean that you are actually "hearing" sounds, just skipping the hardware and going straight to the wetware. So you are not really communicating by thought, it's something like "Speech 2.0". The language compiler in your brain still has to interpret it.

So under this system of telepathy, the transmitter and receiver must have at least one language in common. Now all you need is to explain how transmitter cells in A toggle receiver cells in B remotely, and we have a working ish explain of "remote hearing".

PS: I guess 2, 12, 12 and 40.

PPS: It was the cat, wasn't it?

Mr X

  • unpinged
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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #36 on: 05 May 2015 09:51:08 PM »
hello g,

speech 2.0 is interesting. cells for u and a, it sounds like something meat would think. as if thoughts could generate enough energy to vibrate some bones, just enough the bones of and person close could receive it. and it would be conveniently like hearing. all neat and tidy. i have been leaning towards more of and "universal translator" element in it, hypothetically. not the same as word talking and hearing.

(c) allows for that sort of weirdness. but it seems too easy an explainer. the mainframe does it, the energy does it, the luck does it.

if you posted and scientific paper about how a toggles b remotely, i probably wouldnt understand it. so i am less interested in the how it works, more in the if it works. do you think telepathy is something we should explore ?

the random numbers are in the order generated



two more numbers to go. weirdly, even with g guessing the first number in the sequence as the first try, i didnt feel anything. no shock or suprise. business as usual. i felt more suprise at seeing mel gibsons rom com mentioned.


  • translator
  • Posts: 402
Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #37 on: 06 May 2015 05:09:52 PM »
why don't you start by defining "pinged", x-man?

thanks for good wishes

seems they work - but as Justice, not very fast...
until your wishes will hopefully bring an outlet under my full control... let me enjoy... other things.
should have gone already.
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~

Mr G

  • Posts: 156
Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #38 on: 07 May 2015 07:17:38 PM »
Someone should have pointed out that writing is speech 2.0...

I was thinking that "supernatural" just means "not understood yet". Maybe that isn't the right way to think of it. Maybe it means "not for you to understand". "None of your beeswax, buster."

I still have the nagging feeling that supernatural stuff happens all the time. Weird feelings, synchronasties, that kind of thing. I have no better reason than that.

A long time ago one particular friend of mine had the habit of starting to hum whatever song I happened to be thinking of. I wondered if maybe I was unconsciously humming or whistling it, or we heard it together somewhere, or a particular word or phrase triggered it. I wrote it off as one or all of those, but it seemed to happen a lot, and seemingly only with him. Have you had similar experiences?

PS I have been bothered by the number 37, to the point that I'll be disappointed if it's not one of your numbers.

PS2 Hello tally-ho!

Mr X

  • unpinged
  • Posts: 311
Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #39 on: 08 May 2015 01:45:33 AM »
generally speaking

2.0 speech being writing didnt occur to me. it is interesting how we view things differently.

I still have the nagging feeling that supernatural stuff happens all the time. Weird feelings, synchronasties, that kind of thing. I have no better reason than that.

even though i agree, it puts us back at square one. sync stuff is common and popular at forum4. even if we each posted walls of text, explaining how each thing links to each, i dont think that is enough. it is common. i do get the feeling there is weirdness available with lots of things.

"not for you to understand". "None of your beeswax, buster."

not for you to understand sounds like and challenge.

Have you had similar experiences?

i have had similiar experience, it is called forum4.

37 was the hidden number, it was the number generated to check if the random number generator was broken. it is not one of the numbers, i was going to mention there was and 5th hidden number but chose not to.
i am not kidding. 37 was the fifth number.  but the remaining numbers remain hidden. i was concerned the next guess would be accurate. i can imagine that it would appear that mr x is just saying the numbers are correct.

i was thinking after the guessing of 2, we need some sort of locked encrypted blind way of holding numbers if we try this again. using the technology available we have to be able to lock the answer, so its an revelation when correct. there has to be an way to hold information without it being manipulated.


z, justice is and interested concept,
« Last Edit: 08 May 2015 01:51:23 AM by Mr X »


  • scout
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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #40 on: 09 May 2015 10:05:10 AM »
I would guess X is happy that Z missed because it means X's world view stays intact. To have a world view shattered can be quite upsetting so it is reasonable to be happy when it is not shattered, no nastiness involved or implied.

G guessing 2 is another matter.  However, one may take comfort in the fact that 2 might not actually be a random number at all.  At least, the question has been raised:

"Is 2 a random number?"

~Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming volume 2 ("Seminumerical Algorithms") page 2 (Addison-Wesley, 1969)

In fact, googling the question "Is 2 a random number?" (in quotes, for exact match) gives about 87,200 results.

For comparison, googling the question "Is 1 a random number?" gives only seven results, and googling the question "Is 3 a random number?" gives a mere three results.

Not only that, but one of the three results obtained for "Is 3 a random number?" is actually wrong.  If you go to the referenced page, it says

Knuth's book is written in an entertaining manner that describes
how one assesses randomness. After asking "Is 3 a random number?" he describes
a program he wrote one time to compute really exceedingly outstandingly random
numbers -- involving several of the traditional techniques like multiplying and
taking the middle digits, and even branching to a random place in the program --
and finding highly disappointing results upon testing it.

Shocking.  My confidence in the accuracy of googled references is shattered.

Mr G

  • Posts: 156
Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #41 on: 13 May 2015 11:07:16 AM »
While 2 was a wild guess, it is true that there was a greater probability that 2 was one of the generated numbers, especially in the light of the difficulty machines have in generating randomness. I offer this link to a wikipedia entry, if you will accept it as an informal reference in this quite casual discussion of causal discontinuity.

Today's guess is the number 45, and 14 for the bonus ball.


  • translator
  • Posts: 402
Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #42 on: 13 May 2015 03:17:59 PM »
lost you even more completely then before. what are these number you are guessing?

as for x's world chance to be shuttered by a story of mine (according to Ju4o) - no research, 4no outlet time, but let me guess:

it's about  people - Meitar and Charlei - guiding me for years of my life for the last moments of theirs?

lacking the symmetry of me guiding someone as well when jumping from my body at such a moment?

should be easy to believe, right? just symmetrical. but alas, i don't remember anything of this kind

there was time, when my son was 7 or 8 months old, when i thought i'll meet Charlie shortly, dances (on questions - used them often to decide my next steps) repeatedly showed me: i meet this person, then that one, that one, that one, [i met then - the order mixed slightly] then Charlie, and we[=the tribe or part of it] take off to the sun.[=castaneda's "final journey" - or what does he call it? the sun is the gate to the next dimensions field.]
but then i arrived to the country where he was supposed to be and  heard he left.
few years passed... then one day he [=Charlei, left-side of awareness] addressed me (a rare event, usually he let me address him before communicating) to say  - "you" (me) "are guiding me for several years, from your left side of awareness, the way i'm guiding you; i know about Chalil's (my son) birth; i know (other things, that i won't write here); and when we shall meet, our tamahtuphah* and that of some other saur** wil open."

from that day on he used to show me his travels on a map (canada, Niagara falls, great lakes, Peru, Colombia...) -
when my son was 3 we met eventually.

he was surrounded by a group of people.
pretended to ignore me.
i found myself behind his back.  nudged him slightly.
he turned. "oh, hello! long time! and here is something new!" (refering to my tiny boy)
"Charlie, where have you been?"
he named the place. not at all according to the map he showed me.
this was the moment i realized the whole story of him knowing all - the fighting included -  from me left-side was a lie.

so - no tamahtuphah was opened.
when we eventually  left my son got sick and was near to death.

when this was over i told Charlie [left side]"you are not my leader any more." he answered by gesture of respect.
but soon i let him save my life once more, and things returned to routine.
anyway - ever since, i don't want to hear about me guiding people from left side.

this might be a trick - a good one - to keep such a thing secret.
but i don't know.
have no proof.

well - few years later we met again, and on some opportunity i warned a friend who guessed the truth, that Charlie is "my Aghuru", never to tell him that - "it might risk his life", i said.
what happened ever after i don't know.
anyway -

a dream is the only hint of my involvement in  such weirdnesses - the dream about me and "my team" of 5 driving out of a forest in a green jeep, bumping into a scaffold were a mass execution was performed,  including us. we are standing, on the ramp, waiting for out turn, busy directing future events - but i don't know how - don't remember - time streches, it's not like we'll die in 10 minutes - more like we'll die in a year, no fear of death, and we were very occupied with what(ever) we did.
but this was not like guiding a person along a period - it was rather like interventing in points in many different non-sequential events.

or did you expect me to remember myself guiding someone for it would approve something YOU rmember, x?
just logical assumption.

ps: the same looking green jeep getting out of a forest i saw shortly later in a you tube posted at Facebook by my "Facebook friend" (at the time) - there was evil edifice in that forest, and few woman made camp fire, but the talk was Russian, have no clue.
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~

Mr X

  • unpinged
  • Posts: 311
Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #43 on: 13 May 2015 03:22:40 PM »

j, the reasoning of not wanting worldview shattered seems sound. in someway deep down that is probably and factor.
in practical terms i am not comfortable with the idea that people can just pluck thoughts out of and other persons mind. i am also not comfortable with any version of "we are all connected".

if my worldview was changed to think mind reading or telepathy was possible, mine first thought would be to find and way to prevent those things from happening to myself. all along the way i would be happy of any conformation that all arrows miss their mark. then would i seek to try telepathy for my own.

with worldview changes, i am certain i would be upset at any world shattering event. only so much. not very much. when you hold youre mind and constantly change its location, what is there to lament.

45 and 14, no dice.

all the individual numerals have already been said. it now just the arrangement.
i am not tech savvy, i was thinking text file with info, encrytped with the info as the password. whoever generates the information sends the file to someones else so it cant be modified.
for now after i send this post i will try to private message send the remaining numbers to tosk. six of us, i made the numbers, tosk has the numbers, that leaves 4. everyone should guess once, for fun.

mr x.

good night.

Mr G

  • Posts: 156
Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #44 on: 13 May 2015 04:52:28 PM »
The way the number was "psychically communicated" to me was 4-5 (I'll explain later). Are 4 or 5 a number? Also in stead of 14 I should have picked 17. It's the number I picked for my Project Cars career.

Just clutching at straws.
( )

(For my fellow non-native anglish spokers.)

PS Z, what's a tamahtuphah?