Author Topic: a nervous hue of pink  (Read 70184 times)


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Re: one cow at a time {hebrew: פרה פרה - para para}
« Reply #15 on: 28 July 2015 06:02:34 PM »
discovered this at experiments forum, SR: (
new experiment - guess the 2 names Dog had guessed!

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Posts: 643
Apr 15 07 2:55 AM
here is some of the history.

the experiment i suggest:

guess the 2 names idlestalker and i send each other END find the thread where Dog mentioned these names.
(they are in the title)

it's a "confidance" exam... but even if you chit and search Dog's posting, it will be an achievment if you guess which whitch is which!

it's not about sience, to my opinion... but if you have a suggestion for more validation than the fact it is online for long time, +(hopefully) that idlestalker would approve of my acount - i'm open to suggestions.

i have to claim tough that so far i never checked my own receiving (of the name he send) with idlestalker , so i might be wrong about it's maching Dog's choice. but anyway, that choice is there, and if not a corect gues,, it is at least a sarcastic take on our exchange!

status offlinecharlila
Re: new experiment - guess the 2 names Dog had guessed!     #1   [-]

Posts: 643
Apr 15 07 3:05 AM
a frame of time?any suggestions, people?

status offlineTawwanda
Re: new experiment - guess the 2 names Dog had guessed!     #2   [-]

Posts: 736
Apr 15 07 6:27 AM
SR Veteran
Hi charlila.

Thanks for taking the time to start an experiment. I want to make sure that I understand what you are setting up.

You and 'idlestalker' communicated a name to each other privately and GD has guessed or expressed those names out on the CL forum...and it is our challenge to find out what those names are. Is that it?

Re: new experiment - guess the 2 names Dog had guessed!     #3   [-]
Apr 17 07 9:12 AM
SR Veteran
hey tawwanda!

wonders and miracles! i'v just had a little chat with Dog...(5th post down) [deleted since - tally ho!] and o, miracle! i can post here again!

so, my answer to your question:

yes, "idlestalker" (my personal way to adress the poster ldstalker) and i send each other names by telepathy - privetly and secretely - and one day, when i recieved the current name he sent me (unless i got the name wrong - which happend too at times) i recalled a title of one of Dog's threads that contained both names.

and yes, what i 'm asking you to guess - in whatever way - is the 2 names

you can claim our choice of names was inspired by this thread... but, (speaking for myself only, of course) i can tell you i built "a mantra" from consonants and vowels, according to there meanings in Ag~urah, then i realized there is an English word very near... analized it as Ag~!urah, was satisfyed, and bingo, chose it.



thinking again about it, i think the best is "you touch - you go".

let everybody post their gues...
or would you rather send it ti me and to tawwanda personaly?

Re: new experiment - guess the 2 names Dog had guessed!     #4   [-]
Apr 17 07 11:25 AM

Glad that you were able to work it out charlila.

I like the idea of folks putting their answers on the forum, but that is up to you. There may be a reason that I haven't thought of to keep answers hidden until the end of your experiment.

I'll be taking a couple of days off.

Good luck everyone!

Re: new experiment - guess the 2 names Dog had guessed!     #5   [-]

Apr 17 07 1:10 PM
i just think people's answers might influence each other.
is it good or bad?
let's try without it, so we'll be able to compare later.

so - PM us both, and anounce on board that you send it (for there are PM monsters lurking in the darkness, you know).

Re: new experiment - guess the 2 names Dog had guessed!     #6   [-]
Apr 21 07 4:28 PM


everybody rabbit down?

ok, ok! let's make it anonimous!     #7   [-]

Posts: 643
Apr 25 07 7:07 PM
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send me anonimous mails.

send a note to tawwa about it.
` `` ``` ````` ``````` ````` ``` `` ` ` ` `
 wow - wow - look what elsei found!

the above mentio thread were i cought Dog red-handed - just that patr was deleted since. yet, read!
```````````` `` ``` `` ` ````````
and sure enough - here it is (

I am a Fire Engine, Hear Me Roar
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Ghost Dog

Posts: 12855
Oct 27 06 9:25 AM
Masca Masca!

My fuzzy hiney.

Today as I open the forum, I see a bunch of whiners. If there was a warriorly bone amongst you, you would take it out and hit yourself with it.

Maybe a rewrite would be in order.

"Whacky and whiney discussions regarding one's status as a self proclaimed whatever, the nature of our fantasies, and how we're being mistreated here"

Not that naguals haven't spurred the conversation and provided unconscious illustrations of various forms of psychological pathology.. but we can only use so many bad examples.

Somehow It has become acceptable, even popular, to come onto this board, and complain about this board.

No other discussion site would tolerate such noise, and no other board is expected to receive postings so diametrically opposed to its purpose.

So we have a troll cellar. It is a most common device, first used in my memory by the original nagnet.


Ultimately, this chaos is my fault. Surely all these powerful magicians are not responsible for their own actions. I created a niche where you crybabies have the right to avalanche your goofery, and your sense of entitlement assures that your whinery will fill any vacuum. Now I'm sputtering to keep my head above the noise.

Inga, your positive contributions to this place amount to zero.

Ra6as is in the negative numbers. Charlila can't put two rational words in the same sentence. Sid is displaying his toys.

Sil thinks everyone who doesn't believe her nuttiness is my sock puppet, and there are five more names I could surely add to the list.


Thank you.
` `` ``` `` ` `````````````````````````````
next ghost plot: (
Behavior Experiment Team Wanted

Ghost Dog

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Posts: 12855
Mar 30 07 9:20 AM
Masca Masca!
Just because I'm so... you know.. adamant about my position... It would be interesting if I could make predictions of human behavior based on my ideas about how people work...

... and then try to test those predictions with an experiment.

If you are a total believer and would like to debunk my philosophical stance, and you're really sure I'm wrong..

.... this should be interesting to you... just like if you're a skeptic and you might be interested in seeing my ideas vindicated... this could be that, too.

The thing is, the procedures I have in mind requires three or four volunteers... you know... folks who volunteer to be fooled, in order to test an idea experimentally.

Now it's nothing extreme, and except for the chance that the experiment won't go your way, I can think of no reason anyone might regret having participated.

... that is, there's no humiliation or "gotcha" coming... It's going to be about your candid reaction to stimuli on the board.

If you volunteer, you'll start out anonymous. At the end of the experiment, your participation will be released with the results of the experiment.

You won't know when the experiment is gonna happen, or what it's going to be... you just post and read the board as usual. There may be some nominal tasks like filling out a questionaire or working a certain word into your regular posts.

Something like that.

An example might be like I predict that people might remember posts they like, better than they remember posts they don't like.

That's not it... that's an example. After a week I might say the experiment is over, and give each volunteer a list of a hundred words, and have them click the ones that have been used on SR in the last few days.

Something like that.... but in this example, someone might not want to participate if their memory is gonna be compared to other folks'... in the actual experiment, there are no intrapersonal comparisons in the works.

You know, it's not like I couldn't just grant myself license to try to fool people, if that's what this was about. I got a pretty good experiment design here.

Potential volunteers will have more questions. In order to protect your identity through the length of the experiment, please do PM me... anonymous is fine.
(noone volunteered to be fooled, GD claimed he has 2 volunteers but never proceded.)

so my recieving him peeping into my telepathic attempt of communication with Idlestalker was correct.
he he DID mess up with... what? how?
his list of 100 words posted on board came shortly after ldstalker's 'Meao!" emoticon. GD somehow knew what was happening behind the curtains.

an advenced psyce?
or did he have other way to peep into our communication?
what way?
and what was his motive?
what do you think, Fantastic4Gents?

אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~


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Re: one cow at a time {hebrew: פרה פרה - para para}
« Reply #16 on: 28 July 2015 08:39:47 PM »
If you and ldstalker wanted to avoid other people listening in to your telepathy you should probably have used encryption.


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Re: one cow at a time {hebrew: פרה פרה - para para}
« Reply #17 on: 31 July 2015 02:59:30 PM »
guess your'e right.
at the time all the telepathic experience i had - unless you want to count my blubbering with  yah [=spirit, god] - was my tight contact with charlie, my Aghuru [="nagual" in casta jargon] - that is, his "left side of awareness" (from his daily consiousness he knew nothinghad no clue about it, as i realized after couple of years of such communication, when i met him at last face to face.)
so that when i suggested to ldstalker that preliminary training, i was not at all ready to find it so problematic.

but even if we would have want to use encription - how could we possibly exchange keys? without ever meeting face to face?
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~


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Re: one cow at a time {hebrew: פרה פרה - para para}
« Reply #18 on: 31 July 2015 03:18:01 PM »
hmm... if someone knows the answer - likely you are the one.
but you will need encription to pass it to me...
so again it's "put some sault on the bird's tail."

forgot to mention -
 about the time ghost dog examined my native hebrew claim by the briliant gramatical question "where the dagesh is?" he posted a claim that i live on social security.
which was correct. (i mentioned it already at The Hat, in recent years.)
which i ignored and he never mentioned again.

how did he know?
his psychic talents?
his fuzzy hinney?
or... just some technology?
or exchange with someone else who masters such technology?
« Last Edit: 01 August 2015 08:09:09 PM by tally-ho! »
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~


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blue sky? black eye? torture? die?
« Reply #19 on: 06 August 2015 03:56:02 PM »
no comprendo nada, amigos.
i really don't know what i'm saying, but i'm furious!

please answer! specifically you, X, and cut the bull!

thank you. 

P.S. X - which of the cars in the image hereafter would better describe the one you mentioned?
P.S.S. my connection is still ve-ry restricted
P.S.S.S. can someone tell me or help me find out about the arab letters combination?
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~


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20 questions
« Reply #20 on: 07 August 2015 10:01:15 PM »
soon after i was on an car ride with miss -, an longer ride than usual. as soon as the car started driving forward, i mentioned

me: P.S. X - which of the cars in the image hereafter would better describe the one you mentioned?

as details of the car is personal information it would be inappropriate to give the information,
my question actually was, "if the car X mentioned was one of those on the google doodle, which one it was?"- like in the game, a paraphraze on "who knows 20"(fail to google for the game;s English name, my connection get stuck again, my forum4 search dosen't function prfectly as usual, and so on) [=1 chooses some object and tells the other wheather is it animal, plant or mineral, then the opponant have to find it  by 20 "yes/no" questions) - where the questions are "if he was a field, what kind of field he was?" ( hay...wreck...) "if he was an actor, what kind of actor he was?" "...super hero?" "aprite?""...animal?" and so on.
thus i asked - if that vehicle was a google doodle car, which of the following he was?

respecting X's sense of privacy, let everybody offer their opinions:

אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~


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Re: 20 questions
« Reply #21 on: 09 August 2015 06:50:11 AM »
well well...

a gentle-woman has to keep toughly to her word...

didn't i say i'm alright sitting alone in the darkness - i mean  pulling the chestnuts out of the fire for all by myself?

it's the last little car on the right side of the pic.
the letter is E.

P.S. look what i have found! (
didn't remember it existed... though once upon a time i got a hint  to google for "Jenaro's hat" with J...
« Last Edit: 09 August 2015 06:58:15 AM by tally-ho! »
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~


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Re: 20 questions
« Reply #22 on: 09 August 2015 06:30:41 PM »
x: to be honest i have absolutely no idea what you are talking about with that google pic and question with it.

as i said: the pic is from an animation google replaced their icon with on their search page that day. it shaws: trafic lights changing into red – 6 cars   stopping;  green - all cars moving, the road seen as a blurred strip.  Repeating  forever.

you mean 20 questions, a guessing game ?
i mean a game based on 20 questions, a bit more sophisticated and very funny, that a psychologist  friend taught me years ago:

the chooser  chooses individual for a subject (one who all players know - in real life or someone famous.) the other(s) ask him questions like - "if x was a color, which color he was?"
"if x was a spaceship, what kind of spaceship he was?" "if x was a letter, what letter he was?" (x, dah) "if x was a dance...?" "...a syndrome?" A city?" "And empire?" "and vampire?" "And on-line game?" and so on.

not going to happen in this thread,

Happened already, no?
general supernatural exploration is not about guessing games, it has been, but its over now.

I suggested a guessing game, as other forum4 gents, including you, did before; any problem with this?
actually we have a guess already – mine; [=the right-most car on the pic, marked "E".]
or do I fail to see a danger or an implication? Which cause the other fantastic gents to refrain from guessing? Are you trying to warn us, or me?
I'm open to hear and consider, but why this funny negative way?
P.S. woke afternoon from a heavy sleep with the words
Ellison greeter miller – houfshtet-haus  gratter-house\mouth
The mouth (replacing the house) made me laugh and woke me. thinking - what, another of those telepathic massages? – and jump up to write it.
P.S.S. "general supernatural exploration is not about guessing games, it has been, but its over now." - or do you mean GSE  is well established by now and thus no need for guessing?
if this is the case - is my answer correct? or how do you know? and how come?
« Last Edit: 10 August 2015 06:20:51 AM by tally-ho! »
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~


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Re: blue sky? black eye? torture? die?
« Reply #23 on: 10 August 2015 07:29:44 PM »
Ellison greeter miller – houfshtet-haus  gratter-house
Ellison greeter miller – houfshtet-haus  gratter-mouth

the mouse
                          bagging to be bounces
buggins to be gratter-house
wov! roar! sheker vexazav! 

P.S. i have no clue what was the poet's intent is, or what any of it means, if it does
but your authority in this issue is accepted, X.
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~


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resistance is futile?
« Reply #24 on: 24 August 2015 01:12:47 PM »
how many futile resistance attempts many truthes have?
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~


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Re: resistance is futile?
« Reply #25 on: 24 August 2015 07:50:00 PM »

how many lies?

and how many corners many lies have?

i guess i'm not the first, and won't be the last, to reckon that forum4 (or what is it about to be called now, that it's name is deleted?) lost much of it's glamour.


seems i won't be much on line at the coming times anyway.

thanks for all the fishie fish.

a good bye present - maybe you will even like some or all for  a logo

אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~


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Re: resistance is futile?
« Reply #26 on: 24 August 2015 09:28:23 PM »
* thank you merlin
it helped, as you see
some truthes' corners stickjng out
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~


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Re: resistance is futile?
« Reply #27 on: 24 August 2015 10:03:01 PM »
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~


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Re: resistance is futile?
« Reply #28 on: 25 August 2015 06:23:02 AM »
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~