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Mr X:
hello j,

i was hoping for more a list or range of what psi covers in your view, that is a start. before looking up psi, i thought it meant esp/telepathy, and maybe telekinesis. i did not know and was an bit surprised it also relates to the strongest and most interesting parts of ghostly things. although thinking about it, it makes sense to be included (that there is more to us than the physical). to get started :

--- Quote from: ju4o on 25 August 2015 03:40:44 PM ---
* 2A: the weak and not very useful anomalous correlations of natural psi
* 2B: the life-changing potential of trained clairvoyance
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: ju4o on 25 August 2015 03:40:44 PM ---If it exists then, as a second step, it would make sense to discuss how it might possibly, sometimes, in the right and perhaps rare conditions, be intense and become awesome.

--- End quote ---

briefly, if i rambled my methods for trying to see a real apparition, you would notice not much of it would have to do with ghosts. it would be like transparent wax on wax off series of distractions/focuses. training is essential even if doesnt seem to be having much effect. as you really need your mind to be on point when it comes to it.

this leads to what we could call "simulation". it could perhaps help towards discussion of rare conditions for awesomeness.

basically - a lone security guard is doing his rounds in silence in a well lit building, sees an apparition.
paranormal investigators come to find the ghost, they turn off all the lights, use night vision cameras, fill the building with people and talking and electricity, wifi and radio signals that are normally not there. they dont see the apparition.

what is the difference in conditions. for one the witness is not tightly focused on the ghost. they are at work, doing something else. they are also familiar to the location.
so the simulation would be to be alone, be focused on something else, be familiar to the location.  but think how hard it would be to simulate the conditions of a poltergeist in a family home. the ghost finder would have to live with the family for months, and by being there would disrupt the original conditions. simulation is not easy but it is not without merit.

mr x.

"transparent wax on wax off series"

As often happens, I don't feel very confident that I know what you mean.  But it seems interesting anyway, especially how it suggests that initial training in this kind of thing involves, as much as anything else, training the imagination.

Once I heard learning the skill of aura-seeing explained something like this:

--- Quote ---to develop the skill of aura-seeing, you develop a strong wish to do it, and you try to do it, and you keep trying, and perhaps you start catching glimpses of auras, and you go on trying (but it has to be a relaxed, non-fraught kind of trying), and the glimpses become gradually more sustainable.
--- End quote ---

This provides an opening for skeptics to say how it just goes to show that this skill (and similar ones) is purely imaginary.

And it's worth noting at this point that some of the explanations which dJ gave to Castaneda are rather of the same kind.  For example, the first one of all, about finding the 'sitio', is

--- Quote ---the proper thing to do was to find a 'spot' (sitio) on the floor where I could sit without fatigue

[...] I had no idea how to begin or even what he had in mind. Several times I asked for a clue, or at least a hint, as to how to proceed

[...] The general pattern was that I had to 'feel' all the possible spots that were accessible until I could determine without a doubt which was the right one.

[...] I deliberately tried to 'feel' differences between places, but I lacked the criteria for differentiation. I felt I was wasting my time, but I stayed. My rationalization was that I had come a long way just to see don Juan, and I really had nothing else to do.
--- End quote ---

Then in J2I the description of how to learn the 'gait of power' is somewhat similar:

--- Quote ---He urged me to try it myself

[...] I tried various times without any success. I simply could not let go. The fear of injuring my legs was overpowering. Don Juan ordered me to keep on moving in the. same spot and to try to feel as if I were actually using the "gait of power."
--- End quote ---

The question which interests me is, with this kind of training, how does one validate that one is learning a real and not an imaginary skill.

Mr X:
hello mr j,

i am aware of "don't feel very confident that I know what you mean" and i am actively trying to be more clear (spellcheck on overdrive). however i think even perfect english would not be enough to bridge the differences of our minds.

training the imagination, i agree. it is totally possible for ones mind to become limited in range.

"with this kind of training, how does one validate that one is learning a real and not an imaginary skill."

that is a good question. one we should continue to ask ourselves. no matter what direction things go in, let us check we are tethered to reality.

i also dont want to make a mess in this thread, or ramble about ghosts unless that is welcome. but if you want an exercise that relates to the gait of power quotes but is more useful for the strange quest of finding apparition psi events, i would be happy to type up the assignment. you are going to need a tree. then you could decide as you are doing it if you are learning a real skill or not.

mr x.

Great but aren't we still gearing up for your previous challenge which was something about never being addicted to nicotine, or was it never not being addicted to nicotine, I can't remember which way round it was now but I remember trying to work out if I would qualify and thought I probably would but decided to wait for further clarification.

Mr X:
hello j,

we are gearing up for an nicotine challenge ? i did not know that. in post 173 of part 1 of the general thread nicotine was mentioned, i didnt know we were preparing for that.

the nicotine thing related specifically to dreams. i dont think psi or general super threads covers dreams. at some point f4 is going to have to address the topic of dreams. (i am usually uninterested in that topic but after part 1 it is really hard to ignore that dreams exist).

very simple - if someone has never been addicted to nicotine they are very qualified. although anyone is qualified, it would just be an bad idea to accidentally get anyone re hooked on nicotine for and very simple dream experiment that is essentially meaningless.

not worth rambling about but it was interesting you brought up the nicotine things of all things, as speaking of things that stopped before they started, i recently had an strong experience with accidentally quitting smoking, due to trying to train myself to try to find a ghost again (not an clean cut story, but that unexpected thing did not lead to psi training, it was quite an distraction). completely out of no where. (have relapsed on the nicotine since).


so if you have a tree, on your property, 100 meters at least from your house, go an touch it, and smell it.


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