Author Topic: grappling with the myths 2  (Read 106930 times)

Mr X

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Re: grappling with the myths 2
« Reply #30 on: 20 February 2013 08:37:40 PM »
well merls,

2 - looking for poetry is one thing, becoming and long term user is and other, some gaps in the story.

3 - if you have permissions from the founder, that is something else. if you are referring to mr jennings of america, he is the only relevant voice in terms of the future of sa/sr.

if the domain name hosts the original but modernized data, i dont see the problem. no matter where the domain is stored, if it points to the relevant data, then publications can refrence, and so and such forth.....

it is most likely senor will not renew until he can convince dave or someone else to put their personal details into the payment forms.

pretty sure email is like cc. send one email, send to all. not sure what unarchived means but i think bond is onto something.

that poor guy in your tupe. people should feel like this when singing perhaps.

hello there card9. welcome aboard.



  • horse whisperer
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Re: grappling with the myths 2
« Reply #31 on: 20 February 2013 09:53:06 PM »
2a - I am also long term user here, but not any other story with is same with SR.

3a - I contacted Mr Jennings first time the 'Kenny' didn't pay his domain bill in 2009.  This time 'Kenny' hasn't paid his hosting bill, which is why the site is offline.  In June he has to renew the domain name too.  We could put the site up under another domain, what do you suggest?

Paul Weller seems quite happy to sing, but isn't possible for a human to be more happy than Al Green when he sung.

Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?


  • horse whisperer
  • Posts: 113
Re: grappling with the myths 2
« Reply #32 on: 21 February 2013 12:39:01 AM »
2b - I suppose in SR it was a case of the volume of interesting characters and their discussions / reactions that pulls one in to correspond.  Is that a better answer?

To me folks in these forums are not completely real, one tends to treat them as if they have a kind of immortality about them. I was thinking just now about the thing that draws me even to the ones I disagree with most, is that on the whole, they have a most remarkable character about them.  If they didn't have that, then I guess one wouldn't be drawn to read or even communicate with  them.  From time to time you hear about one of these interesting characters passing away, not just ceasing to post, and it does leave a genuine sadness that you know you will never have opportunity to read their stuff again.  Very sad.
Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?


  • scout
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Re: grappling with the myths 2
« Reply #33 on: 21 February 2013 09:46:14 PM »
I've received my first ever email4.  It said Hello how are you.  And I have replied to it.

Well if I'd been asked something like that on the forum, I might have felt funny about replying.  I mean it doesn't seem right to fill up the forum with remarks about how one is.  But in email it felt perfectly fine to answer that kind of question.  So I think email4 is already beginning to prove its worth.

Also, because I was answering one question, I felt it would be OK to ask two questions in return.  This meant that even if I made one of the questions simply "how are you?" (which is what I did), I would still have another question left over.

Now, here's the thing: to all intents and purposes, as there are only two people on the list at the moment, no one except my correspondent and me will ever be able to know how I said I am in answer to the question which I was asked.  And for that matter, of the two questions which I asked in return, no one except my correspondent and me will ever be able to know what the second question was.

What unarchived means is that the system does not in any way preserve the emails that are sent through it.  There is another kind of mailman list, which is archived, which means that when new people join the list later on they can read back through what has been sent so far to bring themselves up to date.  This is right for lists that are discussing ideas or telling a story.  But our kind of list is unarchived.

The two emails which have already been processed through the list are now gone forever.  Maybe there is some electromagnetic radiation travelling through the solar system and bearing the faint impression of those emails as they passed through the mail server, and maybe this electromagnetic radiation is now searching lovingly and longingly for rocks on which to caress its message as it flits by --- but by now, this radiation will be well outside the orbit of Pluto, where caressable rocks are increasingly hard to find.  According to wikipedia it only takes about 5 hours for electromagnetic radiation to get as far as Pluto.  After that ... le silence eternel des ces espaces infinis.

That phrase is by Pascal, by the way.

Le silence éternel de ces espaces infinis m'effraie.

Here is another thing about Pascal,

On 23 November 1654, between 10:30 and 12:30 at night, Pascal had an intense religious vision and immediately recorded the experience in a brief note to himself which began: "Fire. God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, not of the philosophers and the scholars..." and concluded by quoting Psalm 119:16: "I will not forget thy word. Amen." He seems to have carefully sewn this document into his coat and always transferred it when he changed clothes; a servant discovered it only by chance after his death.

The premise of the email list is that although extraordinary experiences may happen most particularly to extraordinary people like Pascal, still --- owing to the democracy of spirit --- somewhat extraordinary experiences may also happen, sometimes, to quite ordinary people like us.  And an email list could be the perfect medium for discussing these experiences.  Obviously Pascal did not feel like publishing his account of his experience in a public forum, but if he had been on an unarchived email list ...... well, then, he just might have felt OK about putting it on the list.  Which would have saved him an enormous amount of trouble with needle and thread.


  • Posts: 155
Re: grappling with the myths 2
« Reply #34 on: 22 February 2013 02:48:56 PM »
We could put the site up under another domain

Strange, SA is still offline.

Probably would be best if you put a note on SR before putting the site up somewhere else.  If they don't respond to that, then I would suggest by all means go ahead.

But I'd be quite surprised if they simply let it go.  Am not sure what is going on there.


  • horse whisperer
  • Posts: 113
Re: grappling with the myths 2
« Reply #35 on: 22 February 2013 08:52:06 PM »
Yes, that seems like a sensible next step....sorted.
Let's see what they have to say.

I'll be away for a week, and don't really fancy putting a website up using a small Android device.
I'll see what happens when I return.

We need a new name still.

Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?


  • scout
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Re: grappling with the myths 2
« Reply #36 on: 23 February 2013 11:01:30 AM »

I like the name forum4, unique.

Gives me a good taste of stability,something-like-mystery or like amorphy, and a sense of 'something to have to be explained/discovered' like - a 'direction'.

Having no personal history is good so I think there 's no need addressing SR in a way... SR was about Castaneda.

an old quote, maybe times has moved past that.
We either makes ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong, the amount of work required is the same...

Not that we can't see everything as a challenge instead of taking it as a blessing or a curse...


« Last Edit: 23 February 2013 11:17:08 AM by card9ats »

Mr X

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Re: grappling with the myths 2
« Reply #37 on: 26 February 2013 07:15:53 PM »

and rose by any other website name is still and rose except its and roze.

realistically, i would think wait until june. even if it meant using some web service to snipe the domain ownership the second it becomes available. that is legitimate take over, with and proven track record of disinterest from previous owners.

starting over on and different name, there is also no problem, but not quite as legit. realistically, the people that need convincing are at abes, at the hat, and elsewhere. if they approve, the founder approves, it is legit no matter what.

think about it over your week off.

answer 2b was most excellent. while i agree with your sayings. its the fact that they are not immortal that interests me. every post, good or bad, is someone sitting at their computer typing. that person was once and kid, they either did or didnt have parents in their life. they were once adolescents. maybe and girl or boy broke their heart, maybe that didnt happen. they chose some path in life, to make money, but also other paths where they made their minds. all of that and more led them to moment they sat down and posted the words that came out of their brians. and they belif it. i find that interested. i can understand why one would become involved with an community full of rich character.

SA seems to be up right now. does anyone have an screen shot of the note left.

maybe sign up on the email list before you depart merlin.



  • scout
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Re: grappling with the myths 2
« Reply #38 on: 28 February 2013 07:53:04 PM »
Aesop put a note on SR saying something like "now that you fools have done congratulating each other can you pay your web hosting bill which is outstanding".

Now the website is back up, so presumably they have paid their web hosting bill, and Aesop's note has vanished.

So the proven track record suggests 3 things,

* poor organizational skills
* but they still want to keep SA going
* and are sensitive to criticism.

« Last Edit: 28 February 2013 07:55:20 PM by ju4o »


  • Posts: 155
Re: grappling with the myths 2
« Reply #39 on: 03 March 2013 09:45:06 PM »
Hi i will be away for a couple of weeks and have been forewarned there is no internet access where I'm going but hopefully there might be an internet cafe within reach.  Luckily this forum has administrators so i am confident that the level of coping will be high.  If our webhost (dreamhost) totally falls over while I'm away (which it possibly could, see ( and you move this forum to another host, so much the better.  If you could possibly find a way of communicating with SR that does not involve insulting them, that would be amazing.


  • horse whisperer
  • Posts: 113
Re: grappling with the myths 2
« Reply #40 on: 03 March 2013 10:06:43 PM »
I just got back as you're going.  For myself, I absolutely cannot find a way to communicate with those cretins at SR without freely insulting them.
Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?

Mr X

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Re: grappling with the myths 2
« Reply #41 on: 05 March 2013 09:01:32 PM »
why do we need to communicate with them ?

as far as it looks, they are, one way or the other - being cut out of the loop in an brave new world.

they want to keep it going due to it giving them illusions and delusions of power, some nostalgia and sense of misguided duty aswell. nothing more than that.

the sensitivity is many things. also something that is not needed. they place themselves personally as an authority, which they are not. challenging the authority that exists inside their minds is an personal insult, even though it shouldnt be.

i am very curious as to where mr bond is travelling, that does not have internet. i am imagining something like indiana jones at the start of the lost ark movie. maybe i will ask on the email.



  • scout
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Re: grappling with the myths 2
« Reply #42 on: 06 March 2013 07:51:04 PM »



  • scout
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Re: grappling with the myths 2
« Reply #43 on: 12 March 2013 12:37:19 AM »
Iron maiden - fear of the dark

grappling with the myths......

Mr X

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Re: grappling with the myths 2
« Reply #44 on: 16 March 2013 05:13:32 PM »


the myths 3 seems to be the new point of discussion. in private.