Hi. "Discussing non-secret business board" is a strange name for a subforum. Merlin are you trying to undermine the publicity drive by raising all sorts of doubts about what is going on in this forum?
Also, when I first saw this it looked like this

so my natural assumption was that this thread was marked as "deleted" i.e. is not an actual thread. I think you will agree that was a reasonable assumption.
i.e. I thought you had just deleted a thread started by a robot spammer.
But I must say that speaking to them in Russian is very cool.
Anyway, now that it says "last post by Mr X" I realize this is an actual thread. But if you want to avoid more people assuming the same thing I did, you might like to rename this thread.
How about "Discussing SR in a completely insulting way thread".
Now, as to actual comment on this thread, here is what I suggest.
I'm not sure if Jeremy realizes you are simply telling him he ought to get Wu to put his (Jeremy's) email address on the hosting contact list.
But I'm also not sure if Jeremy realizes how odd it is of him to say "It's hard to keep track of, because NetSol doesn't send me a bill, nor any notice that a bill is coming due. That's why it keeps happening. If the phone or the electric company never billed me, I'd probably forget to pay them too."
He must realize that a company like Network Solutions does send reminders. I wonder if he is rather embarrassed to admit that he can't actually get Wu to do anything at all.
Wei wu wei = doing not doing. Or, do not do. Actually it is a deeply subtle Chinese concept and well worth discussing here.