Author Topic: sustained re action  (Read 145760 times)


  • horse whisperer
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Re: sustained re action
« Reply #105 on: 21 February 2015 07:43:06 PM »
Like the pan pipes.
Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?


  • scout
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Re: sustained re action
« Reply #106 on: 22 February 2015 07:00:56 PM »
while we are generalizing billions of people per sentance,

Well I'll just mention that we are not the first to generalize.  For an example from the champion of outrageous generalization look no further than Matthew Arnold's explanation of how Eastern Quietism led directly to the French Revolution.

   "The East bow'd low before the blast
In patient, deep disdain;
She let the legions thunder past,
And plunged in thought again.

   "So well she mused, a morning broke
Across her spirit grey;
A conquering, new-born joy awoke,
And fill'd her life with day.

   "'Poor world,' she cried, 'so deep accurst,
That runn'st from pole to pole
To seek a draught to slake thy thirstù
Go, seek it in thy soul!'

   "She heard it, the victorious West,
In crown and sword array'd!
She felt the void which mined her breast,
She shiver'd and obey'd.


   "And oh, we cried, that on this corse
Might fall a freshening storm!
Rive its dry bones, and with new force
A new-sprung world inform!

   "Down came the storm! O'er France it pass'd
In sheets of scathing fire;
All Europe felt that fiery blast,
And shook as it rush'd by her."

I like to think this is a generalization-friendly forum.


  • translator
  • Posts: 402
Re: sustained re action
« Reply #107 on: 23 February 2015 02:34:56 PM »
does this stretch the definition of sinchro, ju4?
or is it... hmm... a dirk gently style one?

Sonnet to the Hungarian Nation

NOT in sunk Spain’s prolong’d death agony;   
Not in rich England, bent but to make pour   
The flood of the world’s commerce on her shore;   
Not in that madhouse, France, from whence the cry   
Afflicts grave Heaven with its long senseless roar;           5
Not in American vulgarity,   
Nor wordy German imbecility—   
Lies any hope of heroism more.   
Hungarians! Save the world! Renew the stories   
Of men who against hope repell’d the chain,           10
And make the world’s dead spirit leap again!   
On land renew that Greek exploit, whose glories   
Hallow the Salaminian promontories,   
And the Armada flung to the fierce main.
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~

Mr X

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Re: sustained re action
« Reply #108 on: 24 February 2015 01:48:45 PM »
hello mr j,

yes, from the last two things i posted in this thread, that half sentance was the only thing that could be gleaned for conversation. i dont mind but i am not sure how conversation works if that is the case.

how far can it be taken, ms z ? how far could we chain together basic concepts that dont involve belief. could we string enough ideas to simulate an person who doesnt belief in anything, but can function like and normal human. probably not, not even an asian.

why would we explore toltec dream magic when we are still talking about wether or not toltecs even exist. i know who you are from castanet and i know youre story. i strongly reccommend you continue to learn english and practice speaking in and more reserved manner.

five rings, maiden, emi, all good. just chill out.

for merlin and ms z, and oldie but a goody.

mr x.
ps. nice tupe merlin, was that you singing at the end ?


  • translator
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Re: sustained re action
« Reply #109 on: 24 February 2015 10:17:53 PM »
Mr X: the only real mystery and point of interest left for me is the full information about missing details, such as the death of the witches and the remaining plot points. (very annoying as unlike graph 1, plot points on graph 2 are defined by the distinct lack of information)
what with the graphs you never painted, self-proclaimed debunker toltexpert hobbyist?
yes, from the last two things i posted in this thread, that half sentance was the only thing that could be gleaned for conversation.

so did i catch-up my enter stage cue this time, Mr self-proclaimed great director hobbyst?

or did i miss the cue to make (bigger) fuss of your teasing, promising to get back to me once you catch up with  Merlin then  ignoring me?
next time just pm me "i want you to be very annoyed about my behaviour, and DO relate to the missing woman! i said "the death of!" why don't you jump? you know very well i know you think they are perfectly alive!" 

well - don't take it personally, i'm annoyed for a reason that has - well, MAY BE has nothing to do with you:
wrote a thorough reply to this post:( ( (a sinchro? pun intended) and it was deleted.
why doesn't it appear misteriousely in this post, where you might think it belongs better?

how far can it be taken, ms z ? how far could we chain together basic concepts that dont involve belief. could we string enough ideas to simulate an person who doesnt belief in anything, but can function like and normal human. probably not, not even an asian.
you mean - are androids' dreams about electric sheep MAGICAL?
why would we explore toltec dream magic when we are still talking about wether or not toltecs even exist
what about your own dreams, mister? would toltex non\existance effect it's non\magicallity?
while toltecs are a dboubteful buisness, your own dreams - or' at list, mine - do exist for sure.
you can claim  as Mr worholl does on THAT site - they are but images, as magical as super heroes cartoons.
as you can claim - as gojeyewalker replied the talking brujo dog - 
that reality too, is unproved to be anything but images. BUT - images or whatever - I know MINE exist as YOU know YOUR do? do you?
need to sleep - in short: no reason to assume the witches are dead - no reason to intrude them. also, someones dreamed them alive. also, when i disappeared (for over a year "only") my mom wanted to have the police investigate, my dad blocked her for i acted too much in accord with his training as a Stern-Gang member, though later, after i contacted him following my son's birth, he told me "but it's impossible - what is there left to fight for?"
edit: for this, i.e. blocking my mom for once, a real rare occasion during their lives, and avoiding investigation,  i was grateful to him to his last  day.  and i still am.
« Last Edit: 25 February 2015 08:55:48 PM by tally-ho! »
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~

Mr X

  • unpinged
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Re: sustained re action
« Reply #110 on: 26 February 2015 01:23:53 PM »
what with the graphs you never painted, self-proclaimed debunker toltexpert hobbyist?

yes the unpainted graphs are the interesting part.

so did i catch-up my enter stage cue this time, Mr self-proclaimed great director hobbyst?

not yet.

or did i miss the cue to make (bigger) fuss of your teasing, promising to get back to me once you catch up with  Merlin then  ignoring me?

if you are and warrior losing self importance, why would it matter to you if i dont get back to you. why do you want my attention. 

i have nothing to do with the hat, if you have and problem there you should deal with it there. if you have something to say about the witches, nobody is stopping you from saying it here, but as you type the post, check yourself by thinking "would sid or sill post this?"

you mean - are androids' dreams about electric sheep MAGICAL?

no. that is not what i meant. it is unlikely we could simulate and functional person without them beliefing in something.

my favourite dream, twice in the past 6 months, is being really tired, asleep and dreaming, and watching my brain just give up and stop producing content. like the dream slows down, broken record skipping for and bit, then settles on and still image for the rest of sleep. if there was an pill to take that stops dreams and just lets you sleep casually, i would take it.

i will get back to you ms z.
i think you should converse more with mr j.
it is not that he made and clumsy and cruel attempt to gain access to some hat stuff, showing his disrespect for forum4 in the process.
he brought you here to this forum, he thought you have something to say and that you will fit in here, he is intereseted in what you have to say. he must just be shy. you two should talk. once you have i will know "whats up" and get back to you.

mr x.


  • translator
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Re: sustained re action
« Reply #111 on: 03 March 2015 10:39:09 AM »
if you are and warrior losing self importance, why would it matter to you if i dont get back to you. why do you want my attention.
mr x.
OK - [non-existent/maybe-existent]warriors are supposed to sit alone in the darkness as long as necessary - BUT NOT otherwise.
warriors are wonderful people who need people.
a baby warrior needs parents. as they grows, warrior needs friends,  spouses, ofsprings, even a nagual!
 in one word - LOVE. others to love and be loved by,+ FAITHFULNESS. in fire and water.
that said, i return to sit alone in the darkness...
or mabe not - at least i'll address Jufo as you suggested

X claims you're shy - are thou? or are you (plural) pulling a prank on me? G (where's he?) advising me to release... what? crumbles slowly so X won't bun me again; now X saying you are waitiny for me to release some crumble of info for you're shy, and makes it a condition for his  attention.

could you possibly give me the legend of rules to your [petty?]games?

it never occured to me you might be shy, jufour! or how's your name to be pronounced?
anyway -
if you want my opinion, or experience, or amotion, or support, or stating limits, whatever, on whatever - you are very warmly invited to ask! i promise, i'll answer with my  naturally warm attitude. no need to flinch or shy away from me! (as so many do...)

ju4o: I don't know anything about Theun Mares and when I google on the name it says "This site may be hacked" and

You'll see the message "This site may be hacked" when we believe a website may have been hacked. The hacker may have changed some of the existing pages on the site, or added new spam pages. If you visit the site, you may be redirected to spam or malware.

We recommend that you don't visit the website until this message disappears from the search result.

you know? like Theum mare's, my stuff on-line was often modified in wierd ways, then sometimes come back to virginity... you never know. for years i was getting mad, being unable to get it merely aknowleged by anyone.
no one was entering mt web pages anyway, thus no one witnessed the to and fro modifications.
 well, probably everyone found my stuff boring, or at least uninteresting, as you say about theun mares:
ju4o:Well, if he is saying that his training is based solely on memories recovered from previous lifetimes, how can it be of any interest? 
like mares, my knowledge as well as my  "fantasy" (wrote even a book containing both) are based on past-life memories.

so how can such a bull be interesting?
maybe if i kept claiming it's my prolific imagination...
it's like telling a guy you love him too early. it can cause him run away. true and tried.


or did X  prank me you're shy?
and you just find me un-interesting, like the rest of the billions-per-sentence gang?*edit* - 
X: my favourite dream, twice in the past 6 months, is being really tired, asleep and dreaming, and watching my brain just give up and stop producing content. like the dream slows down, broken record skipping for and bit, then settles on and still image for the rest of sleep. if there was an pill to take that stops dreams and just lets you sleep casually, i would take it.
« Last Edit: 03 March 2015 11:17:02 AM by tally-ho! »
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~


  • translator
  • Posts: 402
Re: sustained re action
« Reply #112 on: 24 June 2015 12:44:01 PM »

last night i gave up in the middle answering PG registered on The Hat - realized i was too tired to overcome the tech probs.. (i think first time this happend...)

in the morning it was still harsh, like in  The Good Days, since i was dog-[the 1st] fighting on SR, with enough  "technical problems" to turn any beliefer into Paranoid.

once i clicked "send" - got yuku's ugly notice  "we are having a brief Hickok..." meaning -deleted. forgot even to save a copy (made a mental notice-to myself while the same happened repeatedly on trying to edit  "yonatan (dream name)". 
to work! i'll reconstruct it here.

i meant to put a link here anyway, but i wouldn't quote, after PG t
PMed me that he wan't post here.
but under the circumstances - enough is enough.

sorry, PG. hope i don't cause you too much trouble...

` `` ``` ````` ``````` ``` ` ` ``` ` ` ` ````` ` `` ``` ``reply to PG``` ``` `` ` ` ` ` ` ````````````` ``` `` ` ` ` `
The Wu-guy went further

what, is he back ?
i have to open incognito window to visit there you know - and they (Incognitos Anonymous) tend to not load the page... so sometimes  i give up.
I go there more often than "few times a year" as funnily 2 different persons (unless... you never know with nicks who are who...) suggested (about 2 different boards) recently - i am still banned over there, and like it. Good to stay officially out of the legal reaches of Evil!
 there was time i was preaching: "boycott SR!" and lo and behold - it seems they got self-boycotted or something...
`But he seem to think his technique is revolutionary. It says basically: Put yourself in a situation of danger by force of Nature. He seem to imply he has donin a just that many, many times. You know... Riding 20ft waves, being next to an exploding Vulcano, things like that. The guy is definitely an out-door-man.```
very good method, imo. It's "the mood of the warrior" thing. used it myself, though my performances are quite restricted. I can call for a wind to chase away musquitoes, or have my little boy ask politely a hurricane to keep away… or yell at a rapist "go away!" lol! … and such like.
The other guy ... doesn't care about dreaming anymore.
And this intrigues me also. Just the fact of remembering at the detail any of your dreams is a portentous happening in my personal experience... Now. Doing it by command!...Any night I want!.. I think Mr Worrell is underestimating his own talent... Or flatly lying.
It could be either. Even he can agree on that, if he's to be honest.
lol only fair to put them under theit own jugdment (your'e lying!) once and for all...
S.R. very well might be a place where people who finds the myth portrayed in Carlos Castaneda books to be something at least in the field of possibilities, would come and be taught about how what they believe is all B.S. How this and that piece of info takes down the whole thing

this basic time-bomb was carefully overlooked a lot over forum4 (I find their chew  more juicy) -
for example:
http://www.for (http://www.for

For example, here is an explanation of why Castaneda went off the rails soon after don Juan died
The explanation is that he went off the rails because don Juan died.

Succinct and compelling.  In my opinion of course.  And, as you say, that is if don Juan existed in the first place.

and be easily de-programmed. People like me, for an instance.
What do you mean by "de-programmed", PG registered user?
… they were playing Nagual-and-Scouts very well into the 80-90's
Rofel! You must be paraphrasing a phrase by me? but I don't remember when and where.
Then, I had the opportunity to make some questions in SR to Ms Wallace Well... Learning of her selling her house to buy another closer to that of the so-called witches!... Oh, man... I found that freakingly revealing!
Revaling what? Not a gay connection again?
s it in amy's forum? can you provide a link?i?
Mammishian's book?... That pompous writing barely aims to convince of anything to anyone!  Although I found the candid honesty of the stories very amusing... You know... Their Hallowin costumes...And filming covered in a white sheet... White camo for a white wall, ha!... Oh, well... And Mr Mammishian up a pole with his camera filming the women in a Mall?...

What are you implying – that the man's secret mission was to infect carlos with cancer? I am not a doctor, but cancer is un-contagious, according to western medicine cannon?
  Oh...  and when they are catched with the hands on the garbage!... Oh, man. Great reading!... I have to confess now in retrospect.
Great? fumbling someone's garbage to, so to speak, make a woodoo,  stick?

But they didn't convinced me of anything either.
And now this pair? ...  It has be a joke!
Is that all?

Is that all?

pss - can someone put a link there to my answer?

tosk can - but he's so busy. nyone else volunteers? or are tosk and me the only ones who can take lightly such operation?
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~

Mr X

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Re: sustained re action
« Reply #113 on: 10 November 2015 09:34:28 AM »

so i was waiting around for something, got bored, and looked up good old cleargreen.

found this on their home page. pretty funny.

my commentary is -

mr x.