Author Topic: general supernatural exploration - part 1  (Read 185163 times)


  • translator
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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #180 on: 30 July 2015 01:50:24 PM »
i  wished to wake next with some more text from x's book
actually i got some text when i layed down during the day, (awake?) but it vanished from my memory before it occured to me that this might be it. it seemed kind of nonsencial anyway.

google fu was not an hint or clue.
yet you un-hint heleped me reckon that with  such eminenant text as the jubberwocky poem, google can easily display many truthes with 4 corners - i mean many books with "jabberwokcky" in the seach term.
here is one: (
this (
this is incomplete version? but look at them pics!

"To 'gyre' is to go round and round like a gyroscope. To 'gimble' is to make holes like a gimlet."
-Humpty-dumpty made it perfectly clear.

at the blog were i found this, (
i also found a pub remark:

Eric Noble:
...The Christopher Lee reading of Jabberwocky is inspiring. He could make the phone interesting to listen to. 
Brian Sibley:
Regarding your comment that Christopher Lee "could make the phone [book] interesting to listen to": when writing my biography of Peter Jackson, I was sitting in a pub one day when I had a memorable phone call from Mr L that lasted best part of an hour (until the battery was almost dead and buried!) during which – among other things – he sang me his cut performance from Tim Burton's film of Sweeney Todd! I love him!
imagine casta books are an system. some good parts some bad. because the system is incoherent and parts are designed for one person,
who? you?
not me? (and joke)
given the task of extracting the good and leaving behind the bad, what concepts would you extract from the casta system ?
hmm... some demanding tasks you have...
i wo'nt re-read all 12 books - but all these years i reccoment people "journey to Ixtlan" as a guide book how to become a warrior - it's list of chapters is basically the good parts.
X:the bloodshed tube was also not an clue, just novel
a book X said - so  concious and subconcious me tried to recieve Xtelepathicly and searched for books in the input.

it included
1.the book with "blood" witin the text on the cover (why don't i see any other words of this text? mabe for being flooded with information that far?)
2. 2 books mentioned in the song you, X, had in the background while writing your invintation for guesses. namely damnation alley and the voineech manuscript.

and why Jabberwocky?
well - answered above - there are many search results with Jabberwocky searchwords.

as for the voineech - oops!
so here I stand
Crossing hands, a man trying to understand
Whose book of plans should I follow if they’re written by hands
- i mis-red "books of plans" as "books of plants".
but this happend again with the blog i qwoted above, when "(until the battery was almost dead and buried!)" i red as "until the butterfly..."
)i just let my head drop down - tired - and heared in my mind:
הוא אבא!
הוא אבא! הוא לא אמא! הוא אבא!""
[/quote] [he is a  dad! he's a dad! he's not a mom, he's a dad!" and woke laughing.
so what with this blood text?
he word blood is indeed on the cover of the book that is touching my computer. it is such an minor word of those available that i at first didnt notice z had guessed it.
this is and very strange - what do you mean by "such a minor word?"
actually i had (yesterday) another vision - so "blood" hand written, in small letters, on the red part of a book cover, tiny and one tone (of color} off the background.
"this would be a majic, a spell!" i thought, got acited, then decided no, i must be mistaken.

no i don't think i was mistaken.
but i doubt strongly that it is on the book which is on your desk. more likely one of the others.
may be this is how the voineech manuscript comes into the scene - someone (guess who?) used it to aflict a spell.

...i'll have to take more care of it. focusing so enthusiasticly on this guessing game gave it time to grow too high again.

(and it is fool moon!)
(yalalyah wants his meal)
(i want to sleep)
P.S. thank you; Ju4o, for the encouragement. i need it.
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~


  • scout
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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #181 on: 30 July 2015 03:48:07 PM »
what do you mean by "such a minor word?"

Maybe the book is a collection of blood curdling ghost stories and Mr X finds curdling a more major word than blood.


  • translator
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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #182 on: 30 July 2015 08:05:51 PM »
what do you mean by "such a minor word?"

Maybe the book is a collection of blood curdling ghost stories and Mr X finds curdling a more major word than blood.
a geuss at last, Jufosito? wow, you are confident! as if sitting in the same room... holding back chuckles at my boasting with details...
well, for all i know, you COULD be in the same room... and unlike ghost dog keeping silent out of  novelty... or simple honesty.   
are you?

or otherwise you could be seeing that plannly, in comparism my amature guesses sound... so  sweat summer child...
hello mr g,

my activitys yesterday evening was to watch 1x04 eps1.3_da3m0ns.mp4 of mr robot, then read the knuth lecture pdf. i enjoyed both.

knuth pdf was good. the full book is probably really good. i was expecting it to be more complicated than it was.
 at last  ired it...
is it in the name "Knuth"? is it stupidifying?

about 0 interesting content - eccept for few items of gossip, like the embroydered galabia his beloved wife gave him for christmas and academics saying (behind his back) when seeing it "oh, here comes the high priest of computer programming!" (which made him unembroider the cross on the back) - academic politics... lecuring tecniques (=N jokes per lecture)
as for religion...
 i'll quote practically ALL he said in 25 pages about god and religion: (and thank you, aspenito, for foreseeing my problem copy-pasting from PDF and warning me to quote accurately nevertheless):

he was asked what he thinks the value of prayer is.
A: prayer... i should be praying now that someone ask me an easier question! I believe it has great value but I don't know why.
Q: do you have any comments or conclusions regarding the existence or the nature of evil?
A: The question is, for example, why people are killed in wars? I'll be getting to this topic later on, but I don't have any insights that I haven't picked up from other people.
The book of job discusses this problem at length and tries to come to conclusions. And if you look at ten different commentaries… each one says that the conclusion was different. This proves, I think, that this is really a tough problem.
But still there must be something there, and we ought to ponder it. What would the world be like if there was no evil?

...Ask yourself what would you do if you were God and you wanted to deal with people on the earth; how would you present youeself?
X? WTH? your taste is really strange.

P.S. i was smoking, like 30 years ago. what's the deal, x?
« Last Edit: 30 July 2015 11:27:25 PM by tally-ho! »
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~

Mr X

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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #183 on: 31 July 2015 05:16:44 AM »
hello j,

Maybe the book is a collection of blood curdling ghost stories and Mr X finds curdling a more major word than blood.

is that an guess or did i give something away that let you figure out the book ?

curdling is not an word. it is an collection of horror storys. blood is minor because it is not part of the title / subtitle.

i will post the photo on the weekend. it would be nice to be able to have the image hosted on zeta if possible. (send me an pm if we can do that)
what i recommend is that for anyone reading this, they start guessing words, guessing how many words are on the cover, guess the image on the cover, guess the isbn. do it for your self. you dont have to report it all, but for your own amusement try to guess the words and numbers before the image is posted.

mr x.


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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #184 on: 31 July 2015 08:15:21 AM »
Well how about chilling.

One can attach a jpg file to a post using the button below the 'reply' window which says "Attachments and other options"

A small version of the picture appears below the post which people can then click on to see the original, like this:


  • translator
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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #185 on: 31 July 2015 01:09:32 PM »
bravo, jufos, bravo!

(that's the greek praise one should say when facing such performance.) 
« Last Edit: 31 July 2015 01:14:06 PM by tally-ho! »
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~


  • translator
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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #186 on: 31 July 2015 02:39:47 PM »
thinking again...
does all this have anything to do with my last night's encounter?

Yalalyah called me excited and impatient about sunset (he tried several times during the day, in vain) i agreed and off we went for his walk.

not a very long one - returning, a she friend of him (and me) showed. happy meeting!

 i took them to the playground, to play on the  lawn.
after some happy playing Yalalyah was gone. then his friend also was gone.
i decided i can go back to my lap top.
once i got up she - let's call her miss y - joined me, and Yalalyah reapeared too.

near the playground's entrance i saw a man asleep on the ground. miss y went to him, smelled him.

he was dressed neatly, shorts and a hoodie, had a little bag. he opened his eyes.

"all is right?" i asked with a tone of concern, though i wondered why i do it when so clearly i wouldn't do anything for him, whatever. (previousely in another garden i saw 2 tins sleeping, asked them the same, they answered very thankfully  that all is right. that was an early morning.)
the man opened hid eyes. he was bald or shaved, long scull. swiftly he opened and closed  his mouth several times - this felt sickening - i went away, miss y stayed to smell him more, concerned and\or curious.
soon both dogs joined me.

i recalled a old mail from the aforementioned friend (my telepathy training pal) - saying i should alway suspenct myself to be dreaming awake, and compair my memories with the others present.
started to think - could it possibly be and IB? he had the typical skull and face IBs had in some dreams of mine... and this rapid movement of jaws was  really freaking.
well - if this was a dream, it was hared at least with miss y, though mycommunication with her is sort of limited...

introspecting again...
could he possibly had anything to do with the vampire scene?
and how come?
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~

Mr X

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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #187 on: 01 August 2015 04:15:28 AM »
this is book.


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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #188 on: 01 August 2015 01:47:13 PM »
A much classier book than what I guessed!


  • translator
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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #189 on: 01 August 2015 08:00:46 PM »
lot of vampires and blood here. (

i wonder about the handwritten "blood".
are you aware of anything of the sort?
this one rings a bell?

אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~

Mr X

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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #190 on: 02 August 2015 05:03:44 AM »

so it looks like the immediate guess of dam or blood distracted other guesses.

and those distractions led to vampires. in context, the word blood on the cover of fruiting bodies is in reference to another book by the same author, blood brothers. which is about vampires. and possibly telepathy, i havent read it.

we could consider the word "tales" to be an guess. so what is the summary of that mr j, blood on first guess.

if the were an secret bonus word or thing, if anyone could of telepathically connected to me during this informal thing, the secret word would be doner or falafel.

ms z also mentioned an book of plants. in the image she posted i did note that shape of the column was sort of like the mushroom on the cover.

i was going to mention there was an half naked woman on the cover to suggest it was pulp.

that book has been on my desk or near my desk for weeks. when i was playing along at home with mr g method (trying the encryption method), that was the book i grabbed.

"- and while its gates are locked in all hours of
day; yet, at the witching hour, one who knows -
even one who guesses - may see in it all the shades
and shapes of night and the pit, wearing the visage
of those who saw before."

well that was fun, what next ?

mr x.


  • scout
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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #191 on: 02 August 2015 02:08:07 PM »
As I suggested in 'serious synchronicities'

meaningful [synchronicities] tend to come in meteoric showers scintillating and hinting at half-seen connections as though a woven fabric of intent pervades everything.

I wonder what is the meaning of these wonderful synchronicities we've been having in this thread.  I think the meaning which Mr Explanatory Anthropomorphism has been sending us with increasing emphasis is "It's over before it's begun".

The theme of the experiments at SR was the question of whether dreaming together is real, and as we have seen, the question was answered magnificently.

If there's something to the idea that people can dream together, there's gonna be some sign of it.

There was, by the way, another forum-wide experiment at SR (about three years later, I think in 2007) which also had a serious theme, on the question of collusion (which means 'playing together').

I will look for some details about that as it fits very well into this theme-oriented way of looking at these experiments.

But first I'd like to continue straight on and ask, what is the theme of the experiments in this thread?  Well, can I put it in the nicest possible way and say that this thread seems to be just for fun.  There are no serious skeptics here, we are all kind of OK with the idea of statistical normality being blown out of the water and not being much bothered by it.  So why are we doing this?

Mr EA might well have been asking the exact same question.  All over the world there are presumably groups of people continually asking serious questions about the paranormal, and now along comes this group at f4 and does it for fun.

I would think that the intent of the universe is not going to want to hang around crafting exquisite synchronicities as the experiments proceed.

The best we might hope for in such a case, I suggest, would be if a junior sprite were to condescend to bonk each experiment on the head with a serious synchronicity when it has barely got started, or even before it has got started, then moving swiftly away to more serious arenas elsewhere in the world.

Let us look again at what happened in Round 1.  Previously I gave a very conservative analysis (in the sense described in post #170).  I simply put together all the guesses, and all the targets, and asked how well they match.

But what actually happened is much much more startling.  Here it is in more detail:

(1) initial targets 2-30-30-31, initial guesses 2-12-12-40

Outcome: very first guess of very first round correct!  What more could anyone ask?  Well, the arithmetically curious might go on to observe that all the other guesses were also correct insofar as adding up the digits of each guess against the digits of each corresponding target, but that is really just the icing on the cake, and I ignored it in my previous analysis.

The rational thing to do at this point would have been to declare the experiment and outstanding success and leave it at that.  But no!  The fun-loving Mr G then made another guess, forcing Mr X reluctantly to admit that actually there was another target that he hadn't disclosed the existence of:

(2) fun-loving extra guess 37, hitherto undisclosed extra target 37

Jeepers!  Can we go home now?  ... No!!  Mr G is not a person to be stopped in mid track.  He then went on to make two more guesses, forcing Mr X (who had by now run out of targets) to go back to the target generator and generate another target.

(3) indomitable further guesses 45-14, target that had not even been generated yet 45

Well that takes the biscuit, for utter statistical abnormality.  That should have been enough, or thousands of times more than enough, for any rational person.  Why we went on to have another round is a mystery to me, but we did.  Or at least we tried to.  However, it didn't even get started, as the junior sprite was by now perhaps deciding that it was time to be more inventive.

Quote from: post #71
what is the probability that of the pre emptive dream numbers of g, the "miss x" who was set to pick 3 numbers, picked 2 of those by g. she was very ill when choosing the numbers. which will soon be fixed with antibiotics.

round 2 seems to be broken already.

So did we stop there?


The next round (A, hat) was broken by logical methods before anyone made a guess.

The next round (B, xhosa) was broken before the target had even been selected.

Quote from: Mr G, post #110
Well, I think this will blow the sweet spot clear out of the water.

And then ... ... ... yet another round!  OK, let us look again at Round C.

Broken the moment it got started, by the very next word posted.

Neat reference to the fact that the moniker of the poster is 'translator', hence guess is translated into native language of poster.

A senior sprite would probably refrain from expressing exasperation at the seemingly wilful refusal of the forum to heed its indications that these rounds are being systematically broken, but if a junior sprite were to have muttered a quiet "damn" at this point, and smoehow incorporated it into the guess, it would be quite understandable I think.

Mr X

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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #192 on: 03 August 2015 06:53:03 AM »
hello mr j,

that is an very interested summary. some thoughts.

the over before its begun is curious. i have recently been thinking about that in an different context. i was thinking about it as - if all the different casta spin offs and toltec cults gathered together, at an round table, and explained their worth or value to to the toltec system. one by one they say "i am an direct receiver of dr casta" or "i streamlined the systems for general consumption" or "the toltec system is real and i knew about it before casta". there would be one cult that if they sent an delegate at all would say "we won before you started".
that is just an rough description of those thoughts. some things linking, it may sound outlandish, and i am not saying the two things are related.

Well, can I put it in the nicest possible way and say that this thread seems to be just for fun.  There are no serious skeptics here, we are all kind of OK with the idea of statistical normality being blown out of the water and not being much bothered by it.  So why are we doing this?

i dont mind if you put it the least nice terms. but nice is good. i do consider myself skeptical, very, i would prefer to not belief in anything than belief in something that isnt real. with things like the blood guess, it is less being ok with it, but having no choice but to go along with it. offer book, instant hit, what am i to think. say xhosa, it is an hit, i dont have to try to belief that happened, and given the info from g i have no choice but to accept it happened.

fun is certainly happening. not taking things to seriously has led us to some interesting results. while i really do want to explore and experience some superpara, and i take that seriously, we can have some fun along the way.

i am not sure why we are doing the experiments, we just sort of are. telepathy came up, one thing led to another.

the preternatural sprites and such, it makes me want to know more about each of you. more to say but cant word it.

mr x.

serious sync thread should possibly be revived. i would like to here more sync stories without them needing to be in context of this thread. in this thread i was coming close to an explanation of syncs that described them as completely normal and not weird. that idea broke generally.

the direct quote of miss - wanting more guesses "i want to play".


  • translator
  • Posts: 402
Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #193 on: 03 August 2015 12:35:41 PM »
what next ?

the direct quote of miss - wanting more guesses "i want to play".
there seems to have been a synchronisity that sets the next round some time in advance:

i have very few books at my house, recently rented; eccept ny favorite book, the letters of yoni netanyahu, all found in recycle bins.
yea, books are a chip marchendise these days... (sigh)
anyway - the last picked-up one, which is on my shelf-table (sometimes desk, sometimes eating table, i wish i had a better one, all my improvised ones don't function perfectly, what with my advanced age, i am not as comfortable as i used to be sitting crossed legged on the floor) - i took it for the mere synchronisity to somthing forum4ic.

(besides, not for the first time. the previous recycle books are חברים מספרים על ג'ימי, a memorial book to a warrior (like yoni netanyahu's book) and Bialic's poetry - which i found just after writing a paraphrase of his eminant  אל הציפור ("to the bird" or "greetings, lovely bird") poem on this very forum.
so - ti am not going to read it.
can you guess a word from the name? or all 3 words?
i don't promise a foto, but if i'l mannage (with some help from google) i'll post one.

P.S. jufo, your'e saying - wer'e winning some competition? big time?
what is the prize?
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~

Mr X

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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #194 on: 04 August 2015 07:44:04 AM »

i dont have much time to post so here are some things. you might find the story amusing mr j, and it is true.

z offers some informal book. i read it in the morning, i used to never look at forum4 in the morning until mr g once made me think of it. not another guessing round i thought, still processing the summary of mr j. to get it out of the way, i guessed morning or an m word.

soon after i was on an car ride with miss -, an longer ride than usual. as soon as the car started driving forward, i mentioned (the relevant quote is accurate but my words in this may not be exactly what i said, but close enough)
"so if you want to guess something there is a book that-"
miss - "three! blue!"
"-has three words.."
"(god dammit)"

my thoughts are that we should stop doing guessing rounds in this thread. we should make and seperate section just for that. serious research - no fun zone. threads have to be about specific tests or themes.

another separate section, such as an extra upstairs that is well hidden, might be useful for talking personally. or an encrypted email network.

i want to continue thinking about and replying to the #191 summary but i have to watch true detective with miss - soon.

mr x.
« Last Edit: 04 August 2015 07:51:05 AM by Mr X »