Author Topic: sustained re action  (Read 147846 times)

Mr X

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Re: sustained re action
« Reply #60 on: 20 January 2015 02:47:05 PM »
hello mr g,

yes i agree that the athiest position is faith/assumption based. it is funny and amazing how and person can tally up their life experience, then think "i am the one who knows the reality of the universe". to be honest, the faith of an athiest or and religious or and spiritual seem to be faith in their own importance. not so much the thing they belief in is great, but they are great for being one of the ones who have figured out what is right.

mr surely, yes you have it correct. meaterialism vs dualism. i am not against dualism, i would like it if that is the way things are. as an meat popsicle, i am frozen in place, stuck in materialism due to it making sense in an way that cant be argued with. if i am meat i am 1- sensible, and most importantly - 2 not like all those crazy people who are absolutley convinced they are definatley more than meat, such as victor sanchez. i am so very cautious of peering beyond the meat curtains and accidentaly belifing in something that is not in anyway real.

the meat thing is of course and bit tounge and cheek, but the idea is the same. what is one dualism idea that we can verifiy, and solid truth that is not mere fantasy like the bulk of the new age.

mr j,

i have said it before and i will say it again, i am and slow reader. in full transperancy - i have only read half of chapter 8. if eye rolling lead to major injuries, that half would of sent me to an hospital.

how you can take him seriously i do not know, so i am assuming you are somewhat like him, or the culture that spawned him. i wont offend you by calling you an new ager, but you must be fairly deep into dualism to read those pages and nod youre head. this is not an critic but and observation.

castas don juan path was an world were you opt out of society. sanchezes wirrakia world is an society. even though he follows the standard nazgul formula of not supporting casta but using casta to prop up his views, his mexican shamans and castas super shamans have nothing to do with each other. it is not the same, and sanchez trys to force the idea it is the same. do you think, if castas don juan was real, he would wear traditional clothes and an funny hat, as an fundamental part of his identity ?

toltecs of the new millenium, published by well know enablers bear and co. 1996 new age vintage. shamanism/mayan studies. it reads like an checklist of new ager ideas, perfectly acceptable vague nothings that can be interpreted to have meaning that is not there.

how deep do you want to go down this rabbit hole. i am okay with breaking it down page by page, despite the effort, but i really dont think you could defend him for long until you move onto youre other suggestion.

he talks about disregarding mental and emotional obsessions, he is also and known egoist who is obsessed with his own righteousness.

he uses casta terminology to make his case, he is known for knowing better than casta. (standard) casta was against sanchez.

he is extremely interested in himself.

the adventure to the mexicans he pretends are toltecs, the door opening and closing, is completely  and only restricted by his own made up obstacles. no need for an sign. at all.
"we had achieved and compact group of participants who met, step by step, the demands of the various workshops during the past thirteen months."
isnt that amazing, there are actually, according to the spirit magic of the universe, an set amount of required workshops, in order to meet some mexicans. you even get to pay for them ! praise the sun.

he speaks of only being able to see special worlds if you have a true life, and strong life. victor sanchez knows if youre life is true or not. pretty amazing. he also knows if you are energetically good or bad. he checks twice before going to the door. energetically. knows.

grandfather fire tatewari is not something castas don juan would of been into. its nice sanchez has some magical friends, but it is so very forced.

"such experiences, by the way, turned out to be highly substantial, since they allowed us to know much about the world and about ourselves. many fundamental techniques, in particular those favouring the connection with the awareness of the earth, were developed there."

that is many words to say nothing. classic new age filler speak. they learnt so much about their very interested selfs. "i didnt' know i liked cilantro, until i went on and spirit journey !"
they learnt much about the world, not in an figured out faster than light travel way, but in an realized the desert is hot kinda way. they learnt how very interesting they personally are. they realized, very deeply, they are on earth. they developed many fundamental techniques to realized you are on earth and lime goes with everything. those people with and proper life and right energy.

i could go on, and on, and on. i will finish reading that chapter and maybe some more, but sanchez is and grade a nazgul.

best try your other suggestion.

mr x.


  • horse whisperer
  • Posts: 113
Re: sustained re action
« Reply #61 on: 20 January 2015 08:55:08 PM »
What should I say to the sr and hat member who I helped register successfully here and whose account then got deleted in less than 24 hours?!?!?  Please advise.

I'd go with ... "consider it an agreement from the world, a lesson in the not-doing of joining a discussion-less board and posting."

They always fall for that kind of stuff.
« Last Edit: 22 January 2015 09:12:27 PM by Merlin »
Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?


  • Posts: 155
Re: sustained re action
« Reply #62 on: 21 January 2015 10:39:17 PM »
oh my. this is funny. with all the talk of russian invaders, i thought one made it through. and posted and story about eating dead cats. so i deleted it and them.

Gleep!  The first ever result of your publicity drive and you go and blow it!

Well what would you like to do?  There may be some possible remedies.

For example I've had a quick look at the forum backups and there is a backup which has her registration.  Rolling the forum back to that point would be easy and posts made since then can easily be added manually since there have only been a few.

(The seemingly simpler alternative of re-registering her account using the information in her profile would not work correctly, because we wouldn't be able to re-create her original password, and pasting the encrypted version of her password into the database also most likely would not work correctly, because in all probability SMF password encryption is (or should be!) salted with an appropriate nonce such as the user number.)

Mr X

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Re: sustained re action
« Reply #63 on: 22 January 2015 08:26:50 AM »
hello mr j,

i have copy pasted posts post zizil to an text file so you can go ahead and rollback if that is the best solution.

a result of the publicity drive ? amazing. the russian threat did seem real, after the giant number of new member joined emails mid december, i dont pay attention to any new memeber notifications.

mr x.

i think that was my first administrative action. i am amused.
« Last Edit: 22 January 2015 08:29:13 AM by Mr X »

Mr G

  • Posts: 156
Re: sustained re action
« Reply #64 on: 22 January 2015 05:23:06 PM »
Well well well... three holes in the ground.

While you're deciding what to do, here's something I happened on today. From a Wired Magazine interview with prof. Seth Lloyd of MIT.

Would it be fair to say the universe is a mind?
You could use that metaphor. And if you did, then you and I and my cat are its thoughts. But the vast majority of the universe's thinking is about humble vibrations and collisions of atoms.

You seem to be saying that the concept of the universe as one huge quantum computer is not just a metaphor - it's real.
Absolutely. Atoms and electrons are bits. Atomic collisions are "ops." Machine language is the laws of physics. The universe is a quantum computer.

This is my favourite bit:

What is the universe computing when we are not hijacking it for our own purposes?
It computes itself. It computes the flow of orange juice as you drink it, or the position of each atom in your cells.

I put this up only as an interesting point to ponder. I understand nothing.

I have known two people who have told me they've ate a cat. The first one was simply out of hardship. He said it tasted like rabbit, but I haven't tasted rabbit either. The other ate some leopard in an initiation ritual. He said it felt as if the leopard was clawing its' way out of his stomach and he was sick. Personally, I'm partial to lamb chops; and in the mornings, an occasional strip of pork bacon with the egg of a domesticated chicken hen.

Ain't no accountin' for taste, I say.

Mr X

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Re: sustained re action
« Reply #65 on: 22 January 2015 06:24:05 PM »
it is like we are on borrowed time, before the sim resets. come on and rollback mr j.

ps. charred lamb with tzaitki on naan bread. yes please.


  • Posts: 155
Re: sustained re action
« Reply #66 on: 22 January 2015 06:54:47 PM »


  • Posts: 155
Re: sustained re action
« Reply #67 on: 22 January 2015 06:57:49 PM »
Hello zizil.

Interesting complementarity.

Thing is, I just logged in at the hat to answer your poll, and couldn't answer it.  I couldn't even see the question.  The reason is something I'd forgotten about until just now, which is that I am actually banned from the members-only areas of the hat.

Years ago when I registered as a member at the hat, I made a single post in the members only area and was immediately banned and the post was removed.  My user id still works there but only in the non members areas.

Funny thing is, I don't even know what I posted that was so bad.  I never kept a copy of it.  I figured that if anyone replied to my post, I'd take a copy then.  But the post was deleted and I was banned before anyone replied.

To make matters worse, and increase my suspicion that I must have done something wrong, they never even gave me a proper explanation of what happened.

Interesting, huh?  Now we have a parallel situation with what happened to you here.

Would a deal make sense, if I could get you reinstated here could you get me reinstated at the hat.  Do you have any admin powers there?


  • horse whisperer
  • Posts: 113
Re: sustained re action
« Reply #68 on: 22 January 2015 09:51:09 PM »
That zizl character seems a tad peeved about something.
They do have a point; the mailman based email discussion system is hardly seamless.

However, the Chamber of Secrets is a brand belonging to Forum3 (along with The Grimoire).
So how come they stole my brand for their poll?

I expect there might be a very good reason why you got banned, and encouraging this admin, should they actually be one, to break rank and let you in through the side door is an appalling request.

Does anyone else not understand the polish-mother-jokes reference?
Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?


  • Posts: 33
Re: sustained re action
« Reply #69 on: 23 January 2015 07:52:25 AM »
You should have access to the Seer's Window now, ga7at.
Let me know if you still don't.

I thought this had been fixed already.
Julia's last ever post was an agreeing to lift that ban.

We had all forgotten exactly why you were banned.


  • horse whisperer
  • Posts: 113
Re: sustained re action
« Reply #70 on: 23 January 2015 05:12:53 PM »
Ra6, just to remind:

a) You were booted for being gratuitously abrasive.
b) You'd really prefer not to have access to a hat area that isn't accessible to everyone who visits the hat.

Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?

Mr X

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Re: sustained re action
« Reply #71 on: 23 January 2015 06:05:33 PM »

this deal thing is hilarious. it seems that mr j helped zizil join here to curry favor with an possible hat admin, so he could get access to secret hat business. i accidentally messed that up, mr j had the go ahead to resinstall zizil, but used the moment to reveal his true desire - hatcess*. with sweet offerings of "if I could get you reinstated here". ha. at least it appears that way. and the whole time could of just gone to tosk directly.

Does anyone else not understand the polish-mother-jokes reference?

i am and bit behind here. things i dont get -

disscution less scating board
sitting alone in darkness
polish mother
secret chamber
why zizil didnt finish the cheesel
what the hell

i think that covers it.

mr x.

*(hat access)


  • Posts: 155
Re: sustained re action
« Reply #72 on: 23 January 2015 07:03:18 PM »


  • Posts: 155
Re: sustained re action
« Reply #73 on: 23 January 2015 11:09:19 PM »
Well3.  Now Mr X wants to know why zizil didn't finish the cheese.

This gives me an idea.

Zizil the secret answer to the challenge-question is still the same as it was last time you registered.  You could register again.

Then if like Scheherazade you keep Mr X's curiosity unsatisfied he will not be able to delete your account.

The thousand and one cheeses.


  • translator
  • Posts: 402
Re: sustained re action
« Reply #74 on: 24 January 2015 04:11:19 PM »
OK, but no deal -deal was accepted by  zizil, not by the tally-ho! identity.

and what i sent you by mail you post if you like - i had enough.
but please skip the answer to "why didn't zizil finish the cheese?"
(well - this ancient coanic question actually was never  answered...yet... it's only about the circumstances of the QUESTION coming into creation... but it might satisfy Mr X's curiosity nevertheless, and providing he is really  acting out of pure nastiness, :-* as you described it - pah! what will stop him from deleting me another time?
sorry i'm coming here so - how did you call it? teddy-bear? tad peeved - no greatings, no demonstration of good manners... just - all this story... and -  i spend most of my day on-linewhile i should have done other things... so to say... zizil, why didn't you finish the cheese? (not telling! ha!)

Mr X, did you indeed plot against zizil? why? and are you planning to plot against me as well?
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