Author Topic: general supernatural exploration - part 1  (Read 185059 times)

Mr X

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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #135 on: 25 June 2015 08:50:39 AM »
i will read that, the probabilty of understanding it all is zero, but it will read it.
so to will i review all posts by you and g about the rounds a and b, and do the all the exercises/repeat the calculations.

and i will still be left wondering what happened at the end of round b. the xhosa book. a guess that was never made.  a coincidence that came about due to things set in motion in this discussion, but not easily explained or probable. g didnt use the book for a round available for guessing, i didnt guess. it just sort of worked out, somehow.

g, between dusting off the xhosa book and deciding to leave it, what word from that book were you going to use , what was the page line word number ?

mr x.
« Last Edit: 25 June 2015 09:03:28 AM by Mr X »


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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #136 on: 26 June 2015 08:43:00 AM »
… Mr X could have had a secret plan to convince us that telepathy is real when it is not, and he could have said that Mr G's first guess was correct whatever Mr G had guessed.

There is also a mirror-image problem, which is that Mr X could have had a secret plan to convince us that telepathy does not exist even though it does, and he could have said that Mr G's guess was incorrect even if it was actually correct.

A nice way to solve both these problems is for Mr X to create for each secret number an object H, which has the following properties:

(1) it is easy for Mr X to create H and post it on the forum
(2) knowing H does not make it easier for anyone to guess the secret number
(3) anyone who makes a guess can easily ask H "is this number right or wrong?" and H will answer correctly.

This does open up the possibility that a determined guesser could guess every number between 1 and 50 in turn until he or she chances upon the correct number.  But if we vastly increase the range of the random numbers, so that instead of being between 1 and 50 the secret number is between 1 and a million (for example) then it becomes infeasible to systematically try every number in turn.
thanks ju4o, very well explained.

since i missed some parts of this thread, dew to having limited access to electricity at the time, i didn't have a clue what you were doing, and red it as a comic sketch of a gamble getting hotter and hotter - was a good laugh!  ( (the wiki X posted,)
Theologians, following Aquinas, argued that only God had the power to disregard the laws of nature that he has created
me (to yah - god) "do you  have that power"?
yah: [keep silent]
[me] "can you create a hole so small that you can't enter it?"

yah: i did (meaning the mess the world turned into)

i  laughed for 5 minute.

feeling better now.  started this  morning depressed - a rare emotion with me this days\years.

someone (guess who?) (did i just inventedd new code for you to guess?) (the devil himself or one of his minions, da; but which one?) changed the  language definition in my chrome browser, so the spell checker marks each individual word red; once i corected it, then it returned partly - as if the spell checker is tuned to some weird version of English; than it returned to  mark all red.)

dew to being tired (my dog woke me asking for breakfast, then i made the (fatal?) mistake to open my laptop instead of getting some more sleep) i wasn't sure about the spelling of "hole", and without a check speller, went somewhere else to get the correct spelling - when i returned, the red marks disappeared.

thank you anonymous helper(s)!

the last typed word was "wha (left in the middle)

well such are my life over more then the last decade. Anything I'm trying to do is sabotaged. i gave up receiving any reward for any of the jobs  i'm doing - money is my logistic, not my goal - as long as my logistic is somehow taken care of, what does it matter?
yea, i lack some of the honor i deserve for, say, cleaning the beach i lived on, translating\writing some hand books and poetry, or preventing some bedass bitches from causing even more harm; but  so far, as long as my work is done, i chose to put up with it.   
then,  i got an offer to do some trasnlating job.
which i reconed  is practically possible.

oh, euphoric happiness! to do some simple (or complicated) decent work and be paid for it!  imagine you had to give up, say, sex for more then a decade... (could you imagine\believe such a thing is feasible? i couldn't have) then you see an opportunity to do away with the spell - then something stupid like this spell checker thing remind you that you can't do the simplest task as long as anonymous factions are capable of changing your definitions.
some changes are way too complicated for you to solve - but even the simply correctable, are regularely  checked back to error on "their" leisure.
(besides my spell checker is postponed, not recovered - which is good enough, it gives me the joy to notice i can spot when i don't know a spelling.)(edit: still a lot to correct)
- what was i saying? i think i'll go back to sleep... or shall i go shopping? shops closing early on fridays in my absurd country, and yaalalyah needs his walk...
 (this supposed to be Russian for "good morning," as i learned from a nice couple of Russians touristd i met on my paths) (took me hell to check, as usual; google translate and this and that stop functioning, eventually i googled the Hebre "good morning in Russian and got the pingo:
 "Dobroye utro"! )

אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~

Mr G

  • Posts: 156
Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #137 on: 28 June 2015 08:06:27 PM »
Hi, sorry for the radio silence, busy time at work... talk later.

Mr X

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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #138 on: 29 June 2015 07:50:09 PM »

ms z, congratulations. money is not only good for logisitics, such as shelter food and electricity, but it is good for giving you options, choosing what you want to do.

mr g, there is no rush. it is good to hear from you. the lull has provided some time to read up on some things.

mr j, if there is an easy explanation and i am missing something obvious, in post #119, where did base 16 come from.
the gecryption method is interesting. it doesnt prevent collusion, and i doubt any system could. it is fun doing the calculations.

trying to pad the numbers to unlikely realms i have had an problem with the wolfram site where the input data is too big, and it requires premium access.

how would this work. if this is nonsense then it doesnt matter, just some incomplete thoughts.
there is an book. instead of the isbn, the title is the first sequence, varied in the way titles are.
there are 5 numbers, generated from words randomly chosen. the page number line number and word position number are added to make each of the 5 numbers. the word is just the verification code.
i have no idea.


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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #139 on: 01 July 2015 07:14:15 AM »
ms z, congratulations.

thank you dear, but what for?
money is not only good for logisitics, such as shelter food and electricity, but it is good for giving you options, choosing what you want to do.
oh, sure.
i lived without any when i had to, no prob... but it's nice to see coffee shops from the inside and have twice as much wiped-cream on my black forest piece of cake.

oh, so you mean the job offer?
but isn't it a bit early? this bird is still on the tree...

or do you reckon my victory over the red underlines was practically  the end of all Stupid Obstacles?

i- we - 'll never have a chance to check it, for The Red Lines are back ( #108)

(wait - i CAN quote my own posting on the shu-shu region, cant i? thus:
P.S. shit!  my cursor jumped to the middle of a previous  word ("story" was the word) while i was typing another word - i copy- pasted the back of Baron Minchausen's horse back to place - and again - each single word (few exceptions -  "i am" , "ping", P.S., Baron) is underlined red!

is it some bug invoked by the jump of the cursor?
could the very use of pss have triggered it in the first place somehow?
i know - my assuptions relating programming are hilarious too often... but motivations i can pretty diagnoze - could someone (WHO? futile question?) have possibly place that pss as a bait for me to involuntarily summon the bag into manifestation?
i copy- pasted my reply to word doc... reversed the page, clicked "reply" again... pasted the reply... all red lines.
i should have copied it to notebook i know - was lazy to open notebook doc  for - how not - i'm so tired and striving to finish... yaalalyah my dog protested, felt my intent for a real walk... too late? we'll see.
i'll try again - notebook this time.
all red.

hey - who\whatever does it -

before it's too late!

and as only god has the power to disregard the lows of nature...

i didn't even find the courage to send them mail saying i'm about to be late with my test, with or without an excuse.

luckily they send me a  mail, so i replyed saying i have problems i don't see yet how i am about to solve, but i'll do my best, and i hope, believe and will do my best to make them happy for their patience with me.

ritualistic third time: i'll do my best.

but i'll need some help.

can't work this magic alone - or rather - did i? anyway it's postponed by now.

so, what's next?
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~


  • translator
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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #140 on: 01 July 2015 01:21:16 PM »
P.P.S. - i have an improvement round to a primal question of this thread:
X: yes or no, bigfeets alien ufos ghosts or fortune telling physics.

well - i had several encounters with aliens.
but all in dreams.
so, according to the writer of this thread, they don't count.

but yesterday, as i was reading conspiracies (instead of invoking more red lines by trying to advance with my test for employment) - reading about The Valiant Thor... i had an increasing feeling that i know the guy.

i am used to discerning very far-out  mystical stuff merely by the strength of my phisycal sensations, and/or  emotions.
In this case - took me some exaggerated amount of reading  to notice - my emotional reaction to this guy was really really strong. (i mean in a positive way.)

What if I met him?
started the routine search procedure: could he be this one? could he be that one?

then i got the bingo!


this is what he called himself.
he wore this word, "kali", on a medallion on his neck.

he really looked venusian lol... a bit like in those new-age fancy paintings - tall, blond, long hair, young (19 i think he said), well-build.

this was a weird night.

After some harsh adventures which made me reluctant to hitch by night, I reckoned I can take a night train instead of paying another hotel.(it was rainint dogs and cats.) I bought a ticket to the station after the train change, planning to continue with the night train further, in the hope there is no control in late night. (these days I was doing such things – at least tried few times… not any more. I became pedantic about keeping legal. )

it was during my quest for magic mashrooms (a single occasion in my life i was after a so-called drug - like 40 years i don't touch any out of my own consent *)  after the vandage i made in south-France. This followed  meeting my old friend Kaminante, on the road.Kaminante said he was going to pick some mashrooms to gift his friends, the followers of Rina Shani, or Rain Shein as she called herself when transformed into kind of a  guru. He said he will stop at his hippies friends at San Michell.
 the very same journey when I was followed by 3 allies (hey, saw them also in waking! but this will be taken by non-beliefers for hallucinations or delusions…  meeting a person is another level of "proof"!**)

getting out of the train I discovered I made a mistake – it was one station BEFORE the train change, not AFTER.  And the hour was The Cinderella's.

Leaving the waiting room a tall lean man in his thirtys approached me. where are you going? – just waiting for the next train. – next train? only in  3:00! What will you do meanwhile? –will try to nap. – I am the engine  driver, living in this town - like to come with me home?
 –well… (hesitated)
– Just get some rest until the next train, which I am scheduled to drive?  You'll be back on time, I can't be late.
You don’t mean something like… you know?  I will not.
Sure. Just get some rest. Drink something.
A coffee?
I can fix that.
Thanks, yes. let's go.

He kept his word allright. left me in a room with a bad and went to another. Later woke me for the coffee.
Eventually he got very upset with me. I don't remember the details – something that I said… or did? My memory here is blurred – I remember a dance I performed really pissed him, but i wasn't dancing yet? It was kind of illustration during some abstract talk – (French, thus  verbally challenged) about - ?   his life?  mine? good and evil?  Morals?
I remember clear only how pissed he got. Oh, maybe he did expect a quickie, I behaved so against the French code.  he said dryly it's time to go. escorted me back to the station and hurried away.
I went out of the station – shall I really buy a ticket? Or wait till the morning and hitch on?
Out in the street, a car stopped.
"Were are you going?"
"San Michel."
  "I go to Paris. I will arrive in the morning. You want to come?"
I looked at his face, excited by the street lights. . He looked intellectual, scholary. French elegance. God looking.
Paris was my next destination – to visit a friend – I could have revered the order?
On impulse I said "no, thanks." He drove away.
I turned to return to the station.
Than I saw Kali, waving from the other side of the street.

he had a wierdly tall rock-sack on, higher than his head. Later he said it was a Belgian army back pack.
(mine was a left over from my  army service.)
I have to go…  might continue sometime.* *

* Alas, I can't claim any more "40 years since I touched any drug"…I got incriminated last April a by a French Shaman substitute who didn't bother to warn me that "the medicine" he passed around the tepee at the end of the vision quest he guided contained some peyote. (Not the vision quest i participated, under the excellent guidance of Joel Jojola, a genuine shaman - during Knut's ceremony i stayed in camp as a supporter.) first Knut instructed that everybody inhale 4 puffs of "medicine" – tobacco - and I did, though 30 years since my last cigarette,  choosing not to upset the group with the big scandal that would have developed.… than he passed a liquid "medicine". I drank a wee bit, unsuspecting, and felt something was wrong. Asked my neighbor: "is it psychotropic"? - "yes." Oh I was filled with rage! but decided to keep the scandal for a private session. the effect, mainly: closed-eyes I saw the spiral forming  a straight line, instead of  a circle. And the flames changed. I pushed them back, and went to sleep (on the spot, didn't move that rainy freezing night) thinking not much damage caused – I was very wrong! Realized that only when I was acknowledged how one whose guardian I am was exposed to sever danger. (the others? I don't know.) Anyway – Knut, approached in the morning, totally freaked. "what was in t accused me of neglecting guardianship of the mountain climbers (as he claimed before, when I resisted his sever pressure to go into sweat lodge) being an outsider and outcast (lie, I was very nicely accepted) – well… I did drink it… like a sweat summer child tempted to drink a rape drug? In my age?  My fault!  yet also his.
**But thinking again, no – dream or real life, all the "proof" is but my recognition – which anyone with scientific mind must consider totally subjective. It's not that the guy gave me his medal – or else, that I stole it from him, as he suspected on a certain moment – and later a lab check-up found   Venusian Pogrons in it… (what's Pogrons? Well – some other time. I really have to go…)
***oops! Seems It fell exactly the time of the maintenance break aspen have mentioned here…;topicseen#new
Or is it just a routine "this page cannot be displayed?"
Anyway I'll have to try later, what else can I do?
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~

Mr X

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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #141 on: 01 July 2015 02:24:22 PM »

french shamans, jojola, what do they offer you that you cannot provide yourself ?
why do you seek their systems. aside from isolation, why cant you make your own system ?


Mr G

  • Posts: 156
Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #142 on: 01 July 2015 07:55:19 PM »
Hello everybody, yes i also have a question similar to Mr X's.

J4, i think your point was well made and I think I learned the lesson. If there is another reason you wish to further the argument, please continue, i am interested. I would also like to know if you think it is possible to test for supernormality (which word is now agreed upon?), and if you think it is a worthwhile pursuit.

With regards to Ms Z and shamanism and Mr X and fight club, I would also like to read your thoughts on if it is possible to encourage supernormality, whether some systems/schools to achieve this are inherently superior to others and, again, if you think it is something one should do.

I find myself back in a zone of supernature, reality has a different flavour I recall from earlier times when I was actively working on it. This time i think it's more from pulling out weeds in my mental garden than planting any particular seeds.

X, I didn't pick a word, just the book before I abandoned the idea. I'm trying to recall if i checked to see if the book was on amazon before you posted. If i did, i guess that opens the possibility that you know how to track my internet activity. Perhaps you are a hacker or a NSA agent... Maybe that's what j4 is working towards with his "what would you think" type questions.

Regarding the book sync (if it wasn't cyber sleuthing), that still isn't the weirdest one for me. The winner must be the time you posted a gif of a relatively minor actor whose face happened to be paused on my screen for most of that day. But that too could be explained if...

I enjoyed sense8, i think probably their best work since the first Matrix.

Ms Z, if you say you encountered aliens in dreams, do you mean they exist separately from you and you communicated through dreams, or that it was just a dream fantasy?
« Last Edit: 01 July 2015 07:57:30 PM by Mr G »


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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #143 on: 02 July 2015 09:48:20 PM »
"french shamans, jojola, what do they offer you that you cannot provide yourself ?
why do you seek their systems. aside from isolation, why cant you make your own system ?"

Looking forward to whatever Ms Z may say about that, meanwhile here are some interim thoughts.

I see it in terms of a multi-step interlinked argument.

1) Is the paranormal real?  We have been experimenting to find this out.

2) If the paranormal is real, then it means that the fabric of reality is probably quite different from what most scientists and materialists think.

3) If the f of reality is not how materialists think it is, then there is a reasonable chance that it might be how shamans think it is.

4) If there is a reasonable chance that reality is how shamans think it is, then it could be well worth while making a journey, even a quite arduous one, to meet some actual shamans, or at least some actual possible shamans, in order to find out what they say about reality.

Mr X

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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #144 on: 03 July 2015 12:17:42 AM »
hello mr g,

the hacker thing is reasonable, i thought that to. both for round 1 (which i generated in my browser) and the book, it briefly flashed through my mind as an possible explanation. "ive been had !" "ive been hacked !" but no that is not it.

i was waiting to hear your thoughts on the book before thinking to much into it. i am already resigned to that sync getting thrown on the heap of interesting but unexplained syncs. it seems it was just luck or coincidence how that came about. they way that sync happened, calling it telepathy or physic seems like an big stretch. yet i still think there is an little bit more than pure luck to it.

with overflow leading to indaba, leading to xhosa, leading to mention of xhosa, leading to the sync, there is little factors. such as you switching the round to words, so i would of been paying slightly more attention to words than usual. or that overflow would not of happened that strongly at that point in time if i hadnt of talked about my system with you.*

the fillion gif, while i cant remember now, again was just the way things went. no mind reading or trickery.

sometimes i wonder if you and i have some sort of undefined connection. but mostly i wonder if you are somewhat in someway sensitive, im not going to use words like physcic, but there is something there. like some gravity is pulling these sync to you. in round 1 i did nothing but use an rng site, in round b i just googled a word that left and impression. that leaves you as the explanation, or something inbetween.

your question is good.

i do think it would be possibly possible to encourage or generate the supernormal/paranatural/preteraverage. how, that i dont know. schools and systems i am not educated enough in such things to answer. shamanism does seem to be an functional system for modifiying your view of the world (as an total system, not just casta style).

if you think it is something one should do

good question, the only good answer seems to be that it is up to the person. it seems deeply personal. maybe it depends on what people seek. inner peace or knowledge of the supernormal.
its a personal choice. my only general advice is - be careful. i was going to say more but then i recalled you already know this, you are careful. i like the mind garden thing.

“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”

the mojo of forum4 lately has made me want to do some field exploration again. just ghost stuff.


« Last Edit: 03 July 2015 12:26:07 AM by Mr X »


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Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #145 on: 07 July 2015 01:39:32 AM »
i propose we add some sort of interactive actiony bit to this thread. questions can be added to the first post, and proposed actions can be added.
! !! !!!
for example, z, you belief in god,
belief? i'm not sure this is the term. rather, i know God, as i know, for that matter, you. do i believe in you? Any need to doubt it? 
both of you i know in a virtual manner: and chances are, i'll never see both your faces - providing you have any? but nevertheless, i belief, due to my  experience, that you 2, yah and x, do exist.
and SR Templar would have operate all alarms by now: "frauds!  swindlers! scoundrels!"  but i think some naive trust is sometimes very healthy.
for all kind of weird laws of physics and whatnot, i consider my chances to see any of your faces not so great... but - am i delusional to believe you do have one? or two? or infinite? (my arithmetic sucks)
(ooo - red lines again, seems spell checker is on french or the like)
(it was on "English". Settled.
Am I talking too much?)

is there and action or technique or some sort of activity that could lead to some sort of experience of your god.

Lets separate "experience" into 2 phases:
1)   notice his presence, or  Making the acquaintance
2)   Communicating with him (for whatever reason – but since he's a father image, it usually take this drift.)
I'll continue when I'll wake – got to sleep.
kalimera filos mu
 edit: continue:
as for  1) - i'll shift to first person singular, for i only can describe my own experience; though it includes a group with valid functional procedures for creating circles, specifically for the purpose of getting yah's (allah, god...) acquaintance and communicating with him, i am not sure wheather this option still exists – I'm afraid their valid procedures have been turned null, more or less, due to the compelling attacks targeting anyone who intend to contact any being from outside of the perceptual prison in which we live, God Almighty included. And since they are no warriors by definition… how can they possibly defend themselves?
the group is called Subud
Subud is an association of people who follow the spiritual practice known as the Latihan Kejiwaan, an exercise[/b] of surrender* to the divine force within each one of us. …
Subud is open to people of all religious affiliation, as well as those with none. … there is no particular Subud dogma that they are required to accept. The essence of Subud is the personal experience of the latihan.
There are active Subud members in 83 … Fifty-four of these countries are members of the World Subud Association. … [which] exists to enable national Subud bodies to work together and support the practice of the latihan, as well as to foster the educational, cultural, social and entrepreneurial activities that Subud members are involved in.
1984-5 version:
latihan is being in direct, personal contact with god, different for each person, different at each session.
To be able to receive Latihan, you need "to be opened" as the jargon calls it, i.e – do latihan with a group of already "opened" practitioners. a group of several helpers gather for the event of opening a new subud member.
The decision about one's opening as all decisions concerning subud issues is god's, received by means of "tests": helpers gather, one say loud a question, all perform short Latihan, during which each receives an answer. (if the answers are contradicting – a rare event – then it have to be checked, by change of wording, asking more questions and so on.)   
after procedural 3 month of waiting (since a dandidate asks to be opened to  latihan) helpers would test at the candidate's request "is it X's time to be opened now?"
once open, one may attend group latihans, done twice a week. once he feels he can perform latihans on his own, heshould test it first.   All group decisions are made by tests. Testing is also good for personal questions.
* here they gone! "surrender" was not a subud  jargon in my days as an active Subud member. And "divine force within"? my #$@&! rather   imposters' fingerprint... The official translation of  "Latihan Kejiwaan " was then "spiritual exercise".
In casta terms I understand latihan as a shift of assemblage point.

As for 2): (also starts with personal experience, but soon arrives at the Saraf knowledge – a set of procedures valid for a mass.)
after opening,  most people go during Latihan thru a cleansing process. Once their pipes  opens, so to speak, they start receiving guidance – about their life, love, career, family…
my own cleansing was extreme – I was flailing on the floor crying or screaming during latihans, recalling, re-living, pains from a bunch of past-life traumas (I didn't "believe" in past life, until memories became too clear to deny;  nor in god, until he answered my questions.)
according to a test (in which I was too newbe to participate, but I agreed my helpers do for me) I did Latihan separate from my group, with helpers only. Later they surprised me saying they tested (without asking my consent! Which was contra Subud procedures) and i'm to return to the group.
Anyway – my proper relatiions and teaching started when I got a new boyfriend, Michael, and was not too happy to apply to these same 3 helpers with my intimate affairs. During a group Latihan I spontaneously shoot – "what is correct for me to do about Michael now?"
I received – in English for some reason – 1 word:
2 month laters, I have broke with  Michael, yet he still lived in my place, with another friend too, all was very hectic – again a question shut out of me during a group Latihan:
"what is correct for me to do about Michael now?"
I received a sequence of movements – the one I later called "the dance of the north".
(can't demonstrate…  videotape… nothing -  I'll skip verbal description – to complete somehow sometime hopefully)
I asked "may I have some interpretation?"
Received the same (very simple) sequence along with the feeling, and the word, "joy, joy."
Said (a bit aggressively) "yes, but what to do!" received, in imitation of my aggressive manner: "do it every day!"
Saraf knowledge:
So I did.
A week or two later I strangely forgot my training one day, though I was very eager to learn. The next day, I felt strong reluctance and was about to force myself, when I received – "don't, wait."
I waited.
Few days later i received the west.
…then, on a cap roof at sunset, the east.
Then the south.
The north is the direction of the priestess – her initial positon  is being a mother, spread her wings over her kids; from there she can spread them further over her tribe.
West is the direction of the child – he lives on his charm, he constantly transforms raw power, [="nagual"], into methods of performance [tonal].
The east is the sun or the parent; generously, indiscriminately he spreads light and warmth to all.
The south is the snake or the hunter; he hunts in order to satisfy his own hunger, he is cunning, he touches earth all over and can transform her energy to any direction.   
… in short –
I became "officially" a warrior once I got pregnant and had to leave  my country to deliver my son out of dangers (but why?)
I was indifferent to anything but his rescue – otherwise I would have  been unable to overcome  disbelief, and fall. As was, I didn't care whether all this – ancient tribes, magical fights… … unseen pregnancy… was true or my imagination. I just wanted my ittle spark intact.
 – from that point, as DJ put it, l claimed knowledge as power – methods/tecniques of Saraf knowledge as means to overcome obstacles. soon I woke Charlie, from left side of awareness that is, and after a short overlap, Yah  stepped back and Charlie  took over my guidance, teaching, cheering up and defense.
 Actually we are old and very trained team - since the foundation of the Sarafup to shortly after the last generation took off to the journey (in DJ's terms).

i think it would be interested to try out stuff, without beliefing in it or being invested. just looking for direct experience, wether is is strong weak or novel experience..

i was think about this due to talking with g. constant consumption is version 2 of and older thing. version 1.5, which was un named, was and reaction to the terrible brutal version 1.

1.5 was pretty simple. try to find a ghost. no cameras or voice recorders or anything. a torch, some water and an knife. be alone. no thoughts of capturing and ghost and proving ghosts. only to capture it as your own experience.
I want more. I want to explode the  qarma  net, re-establish the tribe assembly, teach the knowledge to the high [[=elder] generations and to the young generations, prepare, and take off to the journey to the next dimensions field.

if you catch me before i crumble, i can teach some beginnings and give you ends of threads - originally my role in the tribe includs assisting charlie in teachng _ ostly dancem which is our method of knowledge.
P.S. taka taka ke figume!
« Last Edit: 07 July 2015 09:36:46 PM by tally-ho! »
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~

Mr X

  • unpinged
  • Posts: 311
Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #146 on: 07 July 2015 03:22:56 PM »

if god or yah can tell you jokes that make you laugh for 5 minutes, it sounds like you belief in it.
i am real, i am typing to you now. that is real. that does not make god real, though i sort of get what you are saying.

if i thought god was communication with me, i would question my mental state. that is my view and i dont hold everyone on earth to that standard. discerning if god exists has been around as long as humans. so i am not going to casually figure out if god exists.

i belief in mars, and i belief an human could gets their boots on the ground of mars. though i am certain, in an thousand years, i would never be able to get there myself. without the swell of science through the ages, culminating in rocket ships that are the work of countless minds and lifes works, nobody would. in that respect i dont ignore the thoughts and information of people who do belief in god or try to find god, but just because mars is there, that does not mean i will ever touch it.

when your computer is tupe capable,
(while trying to find that scene, i found this sweet tube too - )

ps. yes ghosts, like haunted houses ghosts. wether what people report as ghosts being actual dead souls i dont know.

out of curisosity, why did your multi-step interlinked argument default to shamans.

in 3)
then there is a reasonable chance that it might be how shamans think it is
why is not
then there is a reasonable chance that it might be how paranormal researchers think it is

4) If there is a reasonable chance that reality is how paranormal researchers think it is, then it could be well worth while making a journey, even a quite arduous one, to meet some actual paranormal researchers, or at least some actual possible paranormal researchers, in order to find out what they say about reality.
(this is quite funny, version 4 of my system is very close in essential quality to 4))

i can guess the difference is researchers are trying to understand and document the paranormal, while the shamans are living it.

shamanism however, i dont think its the greatest system on earth, just seems to be functional. at modifying your view of the world. which does not mean or guarantee experience of the true supernormal. just because an system is functional, does not mean it is good or you should use it.

one criticism of the shaman system i have is - any system using intoxication/ rituals/ spirits has an problem with state dependent memory. i cant really explain, just it seems being consistent calm and smooth as you build knowledge of the superparapreter is and good quality in the long run, different than massive bursts of perception that only happen under certain conditions.

interested to hear what you think. your analysis of the guessing rounds was in depth and thorough. now the paranormal.



  • scout
  • Posts: 288
Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #147 on: 08 July 2015 06:02:21 PM »
What I was getting at was that paranormal research (steps 1 and 2 of the multistep) is interesting because it bolsters the possiblity that shamans (steps 3 and 4) are worth trying to seek out.

Paranormal researchers demonstrate over and over again that there is something terribly weird underlying the fabric of reality, but that's as far as they are able to get.

Who gets further?  One answer is, shamans.

But there are 2 big difficulties: shamans tend to live in mountain fastnesses, or in desert vastnesses, or at least they did until recent times, and secondly, the merest contact with a shaman wreaks havoc on the ego of the searcher.

To counter these difficulties needs a strong motivation, and that is where the multistep can help.

Your reasons for being wary of rituals spirits etc are very valid I think.  I also get the feeling that you are very wary of any people being regarded as somehow special.  Here is a comment about that,

Something Trungpa Rinpoche said to me during my time at Samye Ling [in Scotland] has always echoed in my head.

I had just come from working in the garden and heard my name called. I looked to the balcony and saw Trungpa Rinpoche sitting on the floor near the bathroom. He waved to me and said he needed my help getting back to his room. As I approached him I could detect the odor of alcohol in the air. I of course had heard all the rumors of drinking, drugs, and sex, but had never seen anything myself so I was trying to be fair, though it did taint my mind. I helped him up and back to his room, and as we entered he said, "I understand you have been having trouble meditating. Sit here," he said, gesturing toward some pillows at his side, "and meditate for me." What ran through my mind was something like, "What can this drunken person do for my meditation?" Suffice it to say, after a bit I could feel him in my head cutting this bind, untying this knot, and releasing this staple until the top of my head floated free and I had 360-degree vision!

As I was turning the doorknob and bowing to him he said, "Always separate the man from the teacher."

This has stood me in good stead and I will always carry it with me.

~Bob Gottlieb

Mr G

  • Posts: 156
Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #148 on: 08 July 2015 08:18:42 PM »
Hello again everybody.

Mr X, turns out you were right to warn me to be careful. It seems that feeling of supernatural may have been a little "mania", of the "manic depressive" variety. Hope I'm not getting too personal here but I'd like to share it. I don't know if it was something specific I did, a way of looking at the world as supernatural, or if it was a disconnect from normality, but it led to one of the worst "episodes" of anxiety/depression I can recall. Luckily it only lasted about three days, and strangely I felt a complete assurance that I just had to ride it out like a cold. I'm fine now, and was fine throughout, but it wasn't a pleasant experience. It just made me think I'll have to be more careful still.

"Always separate the man from the teacher." That has a great ring to it, speaking as a teacher (of the normal kind). There is a strange kind of disconnect between students and some teachers that is really hard to bridge. For instance, I am really "uncool" and nerdy, so there are plenty of "cool" students who can humiliate me in front of their peers with a quick remark or stinging comeback. This can "ruin" you for the others as well, and in the end it's them that suffer. It's a real tightrope walk to keep your credibility without getting involved in a "coolness" contest. I almost don't want to say it for fear of jinxing it, but I find that as long as I focus on the fact that they are in class for the express purpose of learning something from me, things tend to work out. (Almost magically, one might say...)

Anyway, here's to mental stability and evenness of mood. Cheers!


  • translator
  • Posts: 402
Re: general supernatural exploration
« Reply #149 on: 08 July 2015 10:06:45 PM »
if god or yah can tell you jokes that make you laugh for 5 minutes, it sounds like you belief in it.
("lier!  Lier! Hat on fire!")
"it"? the joke? God?
no need for belief in order to  laugh...  breath... live.
the other way around? sometimes.
(Masada rebels  committing suicide – the whole community – to avoid captivity and enslavement by the romans. "shaheeds" blowing  themselves up to mass kill and get their 72 virgins?) 
 Like the "knaanyte" poet Yonathan Ratosh/Uri Shelakh, , (the knaanyt movement's founder - they preached locals should abandon all rotten Jewish reference and link into (nonexistant?) knaanite roots (anyway they didn't prosper) according to my  dad's favorite anecdote: roaring in laughter at my dad's joke, he abruptly stopped, made a straight face:
"this is a Jewish joke - i hate Jewish jokes!"
Hate it or love it – when it's funny, you react with laughter. It's an impulse, not a belief.

So I did laugh for 5 minutes.
But was it god?
What is god?
whose god?
God who?
If one wishes to earn my trust, making me laugh is a good tactics. I trust my body, I love laughing.
(keep the good work, (∞+1)FD!)

But this is a matter of personal taste – or judgment – as my dad's Ratosh anecdote demonstrates.

as for shamanism:
just because an system is functional, does not mean it is good or you should use it.
it ia not a single system - it's multiple, different in sheere intent as well as methods. can you put don juan and dirty sanches?
(besides i reckon the aforementioned knut comes from this or similar "lineage",mixing north american indians traditions with  mexican-pyote tourism. i don't remember though the names on which this estimate is based.)

"shamanism", like "nagualizm", is a horrible term made up by researches (those with the ego crush problem probably)

- refering to Aghurah analysis -
the consonant Z means blocking
the vowl m means  materialization
2 sucsessive vowl-less consonants meaning - evil blokage (it is non existent in Hebrew grammer - but this days pronaunciation changes for the worst and no one knows the grammer)
the vowl i, ee means - moving toward myself [that is, the one who is taking moving towards himself)]
- thus the sufix -ism,- izm means:  [] -which get me blocked into materialization.

we better find a better term first thing to refer to whatever positive, or at least nutral phenomena we discuss, in order not to cause damage.
magical something?
P.S. G - though i simpatize, the info on your situation is not enough for me to form opinion\advise.. if you feel like being more spefic, describing such "coolness battle" (or what was your term?) in detais...

anyway - the contract what they came to do on the class is nor for you to make alone. you want to teach seperately from who you are, they want to deal with a person with all that included. can you squeeze them magically into that corner -  forced to ignor you? do you really want to? are you really so uncool?(i do't beleive) can't you deal with it cooly?

define "cool"?
« Last Edit: 08 July 2015 10:30:50 PM by tally-ho! »
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~