Author Topic: "oedipus shmoedipus, what count is that i love mom!"  (Read 63418 times)


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"oedipus shmoedipus, what count is that i love mom!"
« on: 14 May 2018 01:48:21 PM »
Before we can speculate on how peoples will be 500 years from now, we should consider peoples in their current form.

Axiom A: Peoples are apemonkeys.

(Although someone made a case that peoples are pig-ape hybrids. This is so perfect that it should be true even if it isn't. I'll link later. *)

Peoples primary mover is a basic program that can be expressed  thus in BASIC:

20 EAT
40 GOTO 10

This very basic program, identical to that of a fruit fly, is now run on the fastest, most capacious computer for lightyears around. The computer makes it seem, to the user, that it is moved by art and philosophy and dreams and love. However, the computer is simply rationalizing.

The peoples are capable of art and cetera, but this largely doesn't matter as it is a fringe concern. The computer will execute the program at all costs.

To most efficiently execute the program, the computer is set to monitor for threshold levels of chemical signals. "If T > x execute subroutine ENTITLED MF" The computer has identified that the individual has High Potency and that it would benefit the species gene pool if it mates more often. To facilitate higher mating frequency, Low Potency units are programmed "If T < x execute subroutine OBEY EMF". (Only in the presence of the EMF; at home one should always bitch and whine.)

Low Potency units are compelled to assist the EMF unit to AVOID DEATH and EAT. High Desirability female units are programmed to assess T in male units as well. "If T > x GOTO 30 in programme MAIN". Females lower on the scale will assess T in the remaining units and GOTO 30, however big T still reigns supreme.

Conclusion of Part 1:

Entitlement and inequality is programmed into us apemonkeys. This produces all wars, religions and gentlemen's clubs. Wars are spats among EMFs. We are programmed to obey. It also produces technology and art and architecture and music as the possessors of mediocre T seek to attract mates and prove their usefulness to the EMF.

Prelude to Part 2:

But this is only the program of the apemonkeys. The under-ubermensch. I feel grotesque having written this down, I don't really feel we're like this. We're just mostly like this. We have the beginnings of better beings within us and I'm okay with that.
In our next episode, I shall consider what an ubermensch might be like.

Kind regards,
R. Apemonkey III


PS, an EMF is an expletive laden abbreviation of an oedipal nature I used in another thread. Entitled Motherf?????

PS, an EMF is an expletive laden abbreviation of an oedipal nature I used in another thread. Entitled Motherf?????

"oedipus shmoedipus, what count is that i love mom!"
« Last Edit: 26 July 2018 08:51:58 PM by tally-ho! »
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~


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Re: "oedipus shmoedipus, what count is that i love mom!"
« Reply #1 on: 14 May 2018 04:15:16 PM »

אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~


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Re: "oedipus shmoedipus, what count is that i love mom!"
« Reply #2 on: 14 May 2018 05:58:28 PM »
hmm... a rirual indeed. #16-#18

אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~


  • translator
  • Posts: 402
Re: "oedipus shmoedipus, what count is that i love mom!"
« Reply #3 on: 26 July 2018 09:41:45 PM »

test - can it be done this way? l.e. posted as files, then open the  files in new tabs and post it's link?(hope it's OK with you f4 survivors that i post the pics twice... i want them well presented and as usual, more... i really need some sleep now.)
(this crazy size again... at The Hat & forum4 tapatalk they appear normal size (same files).
oh forgot about the
אָהוֹי כַּנְטַלָהּ
בַּרִ^י(כְּ) מָנְטָלַה
טַרֻי וָצַ'קָ[ת]
רַתּוּי מֻ(מ)רַטָּ[ת]
כָּהָר מַרֲטָה
טָרִיק בָּרְבַּרֻ רָטַּטֻהִי

~נהפכ נהפכ ונהפכ~