Author Topic: Serious synchronicities  (Read 130696 times)

Mr G

  • Posts: 156
Re: Serious synchronicities
« Reply #15 on: 12 April 2014 10:17:26 PM »
No!  And I hope Mr X says the same ... otherwise we will be in a real pickle.

That's a relief as well as a laugh! The Swimming for my Dad subforum had me thinking about the "meaning" of some synchronicities we discussed at SR. So, WARNING, here follows a tentative attempt at analysis.

At one point Mr X and I had a series of exchanges involving the syllable "Da". It included (from memory) the Dada art movement, Da-Da-Da by Trio, Das Auto, and I think, Beethoven's fifth. You know - Da da da da... da da da da...

I never noticed the German theme, I wonder if that is significant? ju4o, at the time sporting some other unpronouncable moniker, suggested that it may have something to do with my father. (Dada, how did I miss that one?)

Tosk has suggested that synchronicities tend to cluster around emotionally charged events. Perhaps it does not have to simply be an event. Perhaps emotions sit closer to the secret levers that allow consciousness to interact directly with "the world". I don't know very much about psychology, but I must admit that I have some father issues. I think this is a fairly common thing for sons. My biggest issue is constantly seeking my father's approval. I'm going to blame evolution here, because I do not understand why this should be so. It always seems that whatever I do is not good enough. This causes me anxiety, not just with my actual father but with other "authority figures". In this, I have noticed a certain self-defeating mechanism that I am sometimes convinced is supernatural. For example, my attempts to give my father a workable flight simulator has over the years suffered such unbelievable mishaps that it's impossible to believe it's merely "bad luck" alone. I suspect that some kind of belief (that I really am not good enough) presses the secret buttons that makes the machines go haywire. The process is ongoing, but it seems to have calmed down a bit since I've started working on that aspect of myself. Of course, that didn't stop the X-Plane DVD1 from mysteriously accelerating uncontrollably and destroying itself and the drive in the process... but at least I could find a workaround. Progress.

That was my bit of overshare for the day. In summary, my conjecture is that consciousness can exert some control over "The Matrix", but that it requires low level programming knowledge.

PS Ali X, I'll end our series of hands with this beauty from the latest episode of Hannibal:

Now this isn't really that interesting until you remember that it's Anthony Hopkins, the original Hannibal in the picture in my prior post. Also, Titus Andronicus grinds up the Queen's sons and feed them to her.

Just sayin'   ;D.


  • scout
  • Posts: 288
Re: Serious synchronicities
« Reply #16 on: 13 April 2014 02:13:12 PM »
"It always seems that whatever I do is not good enough."

There could be a very simple remedy for that problem, which is to have some children yourself.

If you look at your kids, or even just think about some kids which you might theoretically have, then realize you don't really care how good enough they are and you're just happy they're alive, hopefully your dad feels much the same about you and if he doesn't it doesn't matter.

"that didn't stop the X-Plane DVD1 from mysteriously accelerating uncontrollably and destroying itself and the drive in the process... but at least I could find a workaround"

That could definitely do with some explanation I think.  Especially if it's candidate for supernatural.  Are you talking about a DVD disk accelerating uncontrollably in its disk drive?  What was the workaround?

Flight simulator brings up the bird meme again.  Also rejoicing in heavenly goings on.  As antidote to grandiosity.  Very nice.

Mr G

  • Posts: 156
Re: Serious synchronicities
« Reply #17 on: 14 April 2014 06:13:03 PM »
I think I already understand that, it's not a debilitating condition or anything. Just trying to figure out some "feelings" type stuff.

Yes indeed, the DVD apparently went crazy in the drive. I wasn't around at the time but my dad said he had to unplug the PC and open it with a paperclip. After the disc was heavily scratched and the drive didn't work again. When I saw the disc it appeared that there was a slight eccentricity around the centre hole, but I don't know if that was caused by the drive. I don't mean that it couldn't be explained through normal means. I'm sure there could have been a defect in the disc or drive that might have caused it, it's the pattern of bad luck I questioned.

I downloaded a copy of the disc and mounted a virtual image. I won't feel guilty because I paid a lot of money for that program.

Question: Is there some type of art or music or poetry that switches on your mystical circuits? I enjoy art of the type you used to get on 70s pulp sci-fi/fantasy novels.


  • Posts: 33
Re: Serious synchronicities
« Reply #18 on: 15 April 2014 01:28:26 PM »
Ah Vallejo...

I sense that there is more than just your "mystical circuits" getting turned on here. lol.

But, the word I use for art/music/poetry that grabs you and mystically carries you away is transportive.


  • scout
  • Posts: 288
Re: Serious synchronicities
« Reply #19 on: 17 April 2014 08:23:23 AM »

How about getting for your dad an account at forum4?

He could be G major.

Mr X

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Re: Serious synchronicities
« Reply #20 on: 17 April 2014 05:14:51 PM »
hello mr g,

an few things. i wonder if your father is worth seeking the apporval of, or if he actively shows signs of dissaproval. if he is an good man and you look up to him, then why not, but if he makes you seek it out and is never happy with you then maybe he is the problem. evolution wise it makes sense the favourite son would have advantages.

at least x plane will be coming to steam, so no more dvds. i sorta think that if youre dad cant even install an program himself, he shouldnt be annoyed if you have any trouble in the process of actually doing something he cant.

if negative thinking was enough to call out the supernatural ability to shape events, then positive thinking could do the same. aside from things like "the secret". it would seem likely if really strong positive thoughts and belief in oneself were all it takes to shape the world in an supernatural way, all the people who really do belief in magic/paranormal/new age would do actual magic. and they dont seem to.

im sure its not something you could just "snap out of", but i do think
"In summary, my conjecture is that consciousness can exert some control over "The Matrix", but that it requires low level programming knowledge"
is an better way of approaching it and seeking change than positive thinking.

i do understand the "this is so uncannily perfectly bad, it is like some intelligence figured out how to make each event so perfectly bad" thinking.

regarding the hands, lets not forget the greatest of severed hands.

i read that post while waiting for an show to bufer/download, a new to me show called "orphan black". i saw that pic and thought "hey is that morpheus", downloaded the first ep of hannibal and it was morpheus - and then binged watched all of hannibal (i totally knew miriam was alive the whole time due to that pic). pretty good show, though i dont normally like case of the week cop shows. i also binged on orphan black, and a severed hand and arm was a plot point in that, but i didnt think it was an sync. more like an linkronicty.

if i can explain - such as that information (cut hand in ob) was always there, i only noticed it because of this thread. it was a link, related to other information, not some coincdence, if that makes sense. well maybe i cant explain. i havent been wording the best latley. i think there is something to the synch, link, meaning vs information and your "it requires low level programming knowledge", there is something in that cluster that i cant quite word, but have been thinking about.

i have thought about it, and as boring as it sounds - i cant think of what turns on my mystical circuits, or if i have any of those circuits. i will report back if i think of something.

ps. dont have kids to solve problems and dont bring your dad to the forum (lol).

mr j, what is the bird meme ?

mr x.

ps mr g - if you like hannibal you would also like true detective if you havent seen it. 10/10.

Mr X

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Re: Serious rambling
« Reply #21 on: 21 April 2014 12:50:52 AM »
okay i am feeling an bit wordy so will try for something.

"Like the Frequancy Is you."

since the start this thread has had me thinking of the last time i had "serious sychonicties". and few years ago.

overall it was an mundane, detail heavy, and not overly pleasant event. it would take far to long to fill in the details.
in short, the event was 3 synchs in a brief time frame, about 5 minutes or less, that blew mine mind (in an very strong way). as an brief little network
of events, it resulted in information - i came out the other side with information about things that were true - actually knowing something
i did not know previously. which was enough for me, if there was any meaning aswell i didnt want to know.

thats were it gets strange, upon scrutinizing the events, about 75% of the information was already in my memeory, it was just reminded and linked together to
give an accurate picture. the rest was the result of that information coming together. there was also an big cloud of resulting perception layered ontop that seemed random
and not related.

the thing is i realized the event, the 3 things happening,must of  had happened before, the only difference/thing that made it coincidental was i was there to witness it, which makes me wonder if it even was an
synch, or more that synchs dont have to have meaning, or are even synchs. me being there to witness also shaped future events in an way that further synchs happened later in time.
everything happened because i had deliberatley set into motion events at an previous time. on purpose, to get information, that i got. i just didnt expect the information to arrive in the form
of synchs. the entire experience resides in my mind as an unpleasant one.

i have this thing with the internet where i dont like to interact with it. there is no need. i am not so unique. if i think something there is also an vocal person out there who thinks the same and
will post their thoughts. so i like to hold back. and i enjoy it, being quiet, and if it wasnt for forum4 i would of retired from the internet for good. but i am just posting this vague ramble incase you get something out of it. an example would be wanting to bring up the meaning of meaning, but tosk did, or wanting to bring up douglas adams when you were quick to claim you exist, but you brought him up anyway. sometimes holding back works out, sometimes it just hides links that others might appreciate.

that is my ramble for today.

mr x.

Mr G

  • Posts: 156
Re: Serious synchronicities
« Reply #22 on: 21 April 2014 08:31:48 AM »
You know when you started telling that Antitoltec story it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. (Figuratively; I shave my head.) Then you stopped telling the story and I still have no idea if it was real or fiction. Anyway, my point is that I wish you would put a bit more information in your outlines, because they're really interesting. Please colour in that previous post a bit more, if you will.

Anyway, there's one sure way of creating a synchronicity. I have seen the future, and I know what TV show you're going to binge-watch next:

If you haven't done so yet.

Mr X

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Re: Serious synchronicities
« Reply #23 on: 22 April 2014 10:33:22 PM »
hello mr g,

i am happy it gave you an neck chill. it has been an long time since i decided i wouldnt talk about that anymore, and that is how it is still. it is funny that hair stand ups and goosebumps is considered an bona fide way of detecting the paranormal and ghosts on some tv shows.

annoyingly enough, the previous post was the best i could cherry pick that story to try to contribute to the synch discussion. adding more coulor would add more questions, it is an long, mundane, stupid, messy personal story. even if we could vulcan mind meld im not sure i would share it. when the synchs were happening i sorta internally freaked out, and to be honest - thinking about it all in too deep detail makes me sorta internally freak out (anxiety).

the simplest of simple color adding - the information i wanted was about some people (strangers that i crossed paths with in my daily activites), i wanted to know how they connected to each other and how they connected to me. due to some minor synchs and weird dreams i had, and due to generally pay attention to things and deducing some things about the strangers (basically wanting to know if my guesses were correct, if i had actually successful ascertained information just from observation). plus i had nothing better to do.

the cloud of random perception ontop of everything, between the 2 and 3rd synch, was completey out of place and ridiculous. as my jaw was dropping from the synch 2, a personal event that had nothing to do with anything, out of no where i had this great big sudden concern and wave of perception about people like patty partin, carol tiggs, florinda an so on. all sorts of concern and fear they were in danger and other things. it could not of been more out of place. keeping in mind i was in the middle of freaking out internally (keeping it cool externally) over something happening right then and there, it was just bizzare and i actually turned away and looked out an window, only to see the 3rd synch.

anyway, whenever i think about those synchs i also remeber how the casta women thing just popped up out of nowhere. this thread had me thinking of my last serious synchs, that always reminds me of the women thing, so i was thinking about it all since april 1 due to this thread, which lead me to do some googling, and this article was posted on april 11.
(i have checked around and i wasnt the only one to notice it, detectives abbot and costello are on the case at sr)

which is pretty much what i wanted to add. "Postulate: Post to your forum => synchronicities follow." ? maybe so.

you have on only half seen the future, next on my binge list was anthony bourdains parts unknown. but i paused that and eventually found utopia. i wasnt on my usual site or netflix so i had to install an torrent client and get it that way (suprisingly fast). assassins in a comic store ey - interesting, weird show. i tried to resist any synch think and just think of links.

on an side note, come the weekend i will be bingeing on an game, dark souls 2 will be released. i have successfully avoided all media about it so as to go in blind and enjoy everything. already have it preloaded just waiting now. if it is anywhere near as epic as dark souls 1 i will be over the moon.

mr x.


  • scout
  • Posts: 288
Re: Serious synchronicities
« Reply #24 on: 23 April 2014 11:35:08 PM »

mr j, what is the bird meme ?

mr x.

The bird meme is singing nightly and loudly, ever since it arrived from southern Africa on 30th March (see other thread).  Guests are arriving tomorrow and I am slightly worrying if they will actually be able to sleep.

I guess I could try reminding them how in World War 2 when people were evacuated from the city and had to sleep in the country and complained that they were being kept awake by the Nightingale, everyone thought it was very funny.

Mr G

  • Posts: 156
Re: Serious synchronicities
« Reply #25 on: 24 April 2014 02:22:29 PM »
Hello Mr X and ju4o.

I am quite excited, I was actually looking for a game like that (waiting for Witcher 3 or Dragon Age 3 whichever comes first) so I decided to jump into Dark Souls 2 while the getting is good. It's preloaded and waiting, apparently, for 3 PM PST today! It looks really good so I hope it will keep my attention. Only thing is I hear it's really difficult and I'm not a regular gamer anymore. Once more into the fray!

j4, if your singing friend becomes a little too vocal for your visitors, I wonder if it would help to play sounds from a bird of prey over your PC speakers. Not that you would want to drive anyone away permanently; just in case he gets too rowdy I think that might hush him up just a bit. I would google it but I'll leave that to you.


Mr X

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Re: Serious synchronicities
« Reply #26 on: 24 April 2014 09:39:01 PM »
hello mr g,

nice, very cool. i hope you like it. (less than 1 hr away as i type this, i am hyped).

embrace the difficulty i say. i had heard the same about ds1 and was worried i wouldnt be able to beat it, but it turned out to be easily one of the best games ive ever played. its more about learning the systems and improving your dark souls skills and strategy than coming into it with general game skills. ds1 was very unforgiving, obscure in story and teaching the player systems, no hand holding, but fair. overcoming the challenge results in pretty dam good satisfaction as this very tiny gif shows

ps. watch out for invaders.

mr j, i was more wondering what the meme part is / why it is an meme.

mr x.


  • scout
  • Posts: 288
Re: Serious synchronicities
« Reply #27 on: 26 April 2014 08:13:59 AM »

Bird meme is a more abstract form of bird, and thus able to embrace Major G's flight simulator.

I think what these memes are saying is that rejoicing in heavenly wonders doesn't have to be supernatural.

Mr G

  • Posts: 156
Re: Serious synchronicities
« Reply #28 on: 26 April 2014 09:17:39 AM »
By the beard of Zeus this game is difficult! It's like Flappy Bird for suicidal masochists. Goodness gracious. It's going to be a long haul, but I'll tame this beast.

Oh, here's a bird meme:

Right on, brother.

EDIT: Starting to get the hang of it. Good game.
« Last Edit: 27 April 2014 05:38:23 PM by Mr G »

Mr X

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Re: Serious synchronicities
« Reply #29 on: 28 April 2014 10:08:01 AM »
goodness gracious gave me an good chuckle, i think that expression will change to long strings of expletives. it will be an long haul indeed.
ive come up against an few walls that seem impossible at first, but am sure will be possible in the end.

even master dark souls player jeff beat ds 1 in the end.

mr x.